Hey @Dessalines, I wanted to report an issue on github repo, and I noticed there are 64 open issues, and you are virtually the only one contributing.

I would offer my help triaging the issues. My GH nick is the same as here. 😊

    • DessalinesM
      41 year ago

      I got your mention on this one. Post body mentions don’t work currently, only comment ones.

      I don’t know that triaging / sorting issues would be much help there. Jerboa just needs more developers besides me who know jetpack compose, can answer code-related questions, and close issues. I’ll probably add a github template making sure people searched for existing issues, and that should be enough.

        • DessalinesM
          31 year ago

          I’ll dedicate some time to organizing the issues, and bettering the templates. I’d just prefer it be myself or other contributers that organize our issues.

            • DessalinesM
              71 year ago

              I apologize, I didn’t want to be alienating. One of the main reasons I couldn’t stand working in corporate programming shops, was that in those, the owners and project managers rule, and the coders / workers don’t. So I very much wanted to be in environments where coders, and the people who actually do and understand the work, are in charge.