That would give me nightmares if I went to see it and I don’t think that’s what Disney is going for.

  • supersquirrel
    2 months ago

    I have never watched any of these Disney CGI cash grab remakes not the least because they make me nauseous with how cynical and soulless they look.

    It sounds like hyperbole but when I watch a clip of one of these movies all I can think about is how the structure of modern society is extremely hostile towards materially (not just rhetorically) valuing artists and valuing their labor and unique strengths.

    THIS was the inveitable final form of the broken and dying society I was born into wasn’t it?

    The experience of seeing these kinds of degradations (along the axis of humanity) of art is to make me wish I was never raised an artist and that I could trade every bit of my creativity away for something people actually value and relieve me of the living hell of trying and constantly failing to navigate modern daily life with an artist’s ADHD mind.