Bored on holidays or miss Omegle? Come chat with us on MeroChat!

It’s a web based random chat where you’re presented with a flow of user profiles, whom you can choose to chat with. And of course someone else might find you the same way and send you a message out of the blue (provided your privacy settings allow it).

And here’s the code. (Written in PureScript!) A lot remains to be done but it’s a joyful thing already.

  • TiukuOP
    19 hours ago

    Thanks for the tip!

    I have somewhat of a grasp on how Signal does it, but that’s very client oriented. How to go about it a web app is a mystery to me.

      16 hours ago

      Yeah, I’m not used to E2EE in the browser either and StackExchange seems to agree that there’s no nice solution :/

      The sanest option in terms of user practicality to me appears to be storing the private key on the server, maybe encrypted with the user’s password, and sending it to the user on successful login where it would be decrypted client side. It seems like it’s more or less what Mega is doing since they have a similar issue

      If the server having temporary access to the user’s password is an issue maybe the password could be partially pre-hashed before being sent?

      It’s be interesting to talk about it with someone with more experience, especially since implementing all of that will be a pain so it can’t be redone every Thursday