Fediverse hot takes:

  1. The only true client is the browser.

  2. Microblogging be damned.

  3. it’s the instances/servers that are federated, not the users (ie us) … and damn that too.



  • @_ed
    51 year ago

    While I only use browsers for enagement with all the fediverse applications I’ve used (5+) I wouldnt consider it the only true client.

    • maegulOP
      11 year ago

      @_ed it’s the only “client” guaranteed to represent all platforms accurately. Therefore it’s the only client that gives you freedom to move around the fediverse. Therefore it’s the only true client.

      Federation must be taken seriously if the fediverse is to thrive, in much the same way it was in the early constitutional and political days of the USA/Canada/Australia. Think “States rights”, but for actual freedom and diversity.