Congratulations to Australia.
Hopefully Sri Lanka can get the other place. God knows their people could use something to be happy about. #Cricket #sports 🏏

  • fuOP
    11 year ago

    @admin with the latest Lemmy update you can posts from other fediverse platforms that don’t support Titles, including Mastodon, and it just uses the first line of your toot as the title. I usually post from this same Friendica account which does support titles, but the app I usually use on mobile #AndStatus connects friendica as GNU Social. GS didn’t support titles until recently and the app still doesn’t, so I figured I’d check and see if it worked, and if BeeHaw had updated.

    Success on both sides.

    • fuOP
      11 year ago

      @admin the <br> tag was unexpected. I thought the text before the return would be my title, but it looks like it just included the whole post as the title until it hit the character limit. I just edited my OP so we’ll see if that updates and removes the line break tag.

            • fuOP
              11 year ago

              @admin that’s the only thing I edited was removing the carriage return.

              Makes me wondering, does lemmy not support editing, like GNU Social (and until v4 mastodon) , or perhaps is it like reddit that it supports editing of posts but not of titles.