• @salarua
      3 years ago

      EDIT: I noticed a downvote.

      what’s funny to me is that the post has a downvote. a lot of posts on !asklemmy@lemmy.ml have one downvote. i’m imagining this cranky killjoy downvoting everything they see for no reason and it’s really funny to me

    • @edisondotme@lemmy.ml
      43 years ago

      Forcing employees to work any number of hours

      Full stop. What is the point of all this automation if it doesn’t make our lives better? 40 hours 5 days a week is no way to live life.

    • @peppermint@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      how do you tell if someone is a nazi though. it’s just a label. what do you call a pro-ccp person then? I assure you the amount of people which will hail anything for bullshit semi-selfish reasons never goes weak.

    • @vegai@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Didn’t downvote you, but 1. seemed odd. Are you saying that if somebody hires somebody, they cannot get rid of that person no matter how they behave and work? Perhaps I didn’t understand the phrasing correctly — perhaps the stress was on “without notice”.

      Others are more or less agreeable, although possibly hard to enforce.

      • @Ninjabread@lemmy.ml
        43 years ago

        Other developed countries handle this fine. If someone is shit, you put them on a performance improvement plan, a formal step that shows the company is trying everything they can to up your performance and that also provides notice to the employee that they aren’t doing good enough. After a series of meetings over a period of time if the employee isn’t improving and the company can show they tried to bring them up to scratch then the employee can be let go. If you need to drop staff due to being overstaffed there are processes for this as well.

        This is far different than the current US situation, where you can lose your job today because your boss doesn’t like your shoes.

          • 10_0
            23 years ago

            google has the same thing if your into that

          • 10_0
            13 years ago

            ahhh yes the dictatorship of a new dictartor every 4 years. in duckduckgo theres a feature to get a defination. type “define dictatorship” and see the difference between dictatorship and democracy.

            • @zagebo@lemmy.ml
              -13 years ago

              the US isnt a democracy elections are decided by superPACs and 43 presidents have had european royal anscestry. its the exact same power structure, rich landowning fucks at the top. they literally dictate everything, as an oligarchy