Textes de Claude Piron, ancien traducteur à l'ONU et à l'OMS, psychothérapeute, ex-enseignant chargé de cours à l'Université de Genève entre 1973 et 1994 (psychologie et sciences de l'Éducation)
About that adjective-subjective agreement thing, you were right, that is indeed in the fundamento de esperanto. So, yeah it was incorrect to speak like that.
I don’t want to argue with you, your arguments are absurd, and you make a lot of mistakes in Esperanto:
About that adjective-subjective agreement thing, you were right, that is indeed in the fundamento de esperanto. So, yeah it was incorrect to speak like that.
(I’m unable to edit that post sadly…)
Kiel? (Malakceptecan argumenton diris vi.)
I didn’t see any document stating that subject-adjectival agreement was required.
Mi ne vidis ĉin tiun.
That’s can (present) name (transitive, present).
Mi ne vidas ĉin tion. Mi ankoraŭ necesite pensu al uzi akuzativan afikson…#