This is how it looks in 99% of Czech Republic.

It changes to terrain signs painted on trees sometimes but it is also standard. I found 2 other signs for cyclists, some cross border route that decided to make their own on both sides. And still most cross border routes use cz standard signage.

So how it looks where you live? Am I just too spoiled by standards for hiking and cycling signage?

  • plactagonicOP
    7 months ago

    Hmm here it has a system too, smaller the number, longer the route.

    The lowest sign was replaced recently, it is route along the Vltava River. Used to be 12 and is changed to correspond with EV numbering scheme - 7 sun route.

    The 4 digits are connection routes, 3 digits are usually regional and 1-2 digits are long routes.

    If you look at OSM with bicycle paths overlay and zoom out, you will see that there is a lot of routes (cz gets blue or other color you have setted for bikepaths).