• WatDabney
    3 months ago

    And none of that carefully manicured astroturf makes the slightest bit of difference.

    The Democrat rank and file have been clearly telling the DNC and the rest of the establishment for eight years now that we want a real leftist - somebody who actually represents our values who we can and will rally behind rather than just another establishment hack who’s sort of maybe somewhere to the leftish side of the extremely narrow establishment hack spectrum.

    And for the same eight years, the DNC and the rest of the establishment has been alternately ignoring us and telling us that we’re too stupid to understand what’s best for us (just as you’re doing now).

    They fucking cost us the election already in 2016, and damned near did again in 2020. And now they’re set to try to do it in 2024.

    This election is unlike any other in US history. With overt fascists riding Trump’s coattails, already with a roadmap to destroying democracy and instituting their dictatorship, this isn’t just a choice between potential presidents, but a choice between destroying or saving the US.

    So it really doesn’t matter in the slightest what sort of policy achievements a Democrat candidate might or might not have. The ONLY thing that matters is whether or not the candidate will inspire enough voters to win.

    That’s it - this time around, winning literally is everything. NOTHING else matters.

    And all the DNC and the Democrat establishment has to do to effectively guarantee a win is get the fuck out of the way and let the people choose the candidate they want - the candidate that they’re going to rally behind. That’s what the voters have wanted for eight years now, and it’s long past time for the power brokers and their mouthpieces to back the fuck off and let them.

    Now that said, I don’t think the situation is as dire as all that. Trump and his fascist cohorts are such an obvious threat that I think that come November, if the DNC and the rest of the Democrat establishment have gone ahead and decided to gamble the fate of the country on clinging to a weak establishment candidate in spite of eight years of clearly communicated disillusionment from the base, just being “not-Trump” will be enough to likely win anyway, as it was in 2020.

    But it’s not a sure thing. A candidate that the people chose and the people rallied behind would be a sure thing, while an establishment hack is just someone who might manage to eke out a win because enough people will hold their noses and vote for them anyway, solely on the “strength” of them being not-Trump.