• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    12 years ago

    Can you tell me which totally impartial holy source of ultimate truth are you using to gain knowledge? This would be most useful.

    Where did I make any claims regarding some impartial holy source of ultimate truth? My whole point is precisely that every source is biased and that’s what makes it so important to see information from different angles. When you’re only allowed to see state narrative, then you’re being brainwashed. You’re so very close to understanding this!

    As for Russia’s lying, I’m relying more on history than media to know that.

    Anybody who knows actual history knows full well that the west lies with the best of them. Iraq being a perfect recent example. West has told lies that killed countless millions.

    As for your partiality and skills in critical thinking: have you ever posted anything even vaguely pro-west in this site, or are you just propagating every anti-west shill thing you can find?

    Why would I post anything positive about a sick system that’s tearing itself apart. Capitalism is a disease that’s destroying humanity and the biosphere on this planet. The sooner this system collapses the better off the world will be.

    • @vekku
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        02 years ago

        But this is obviously not. You of course have no idea which narratives I’m “allowed” to see.

        I see that Russian media is blocked in Europe and that journalists who deviate from the official narrative are prosecuted. This is higher level of censorship than USSR had in the 70s where you were allowed to listen to western radio.

        Also, your posting and comments both reek highly of brainwash, which makes it absurd that you would call anyone else brainwashed.

        I’m saying that anybody who’s supporting state censorship, as you do, is exhibiting brainwashed behavior. You claiming that my comments reek of brainwash is another example of you having a knee jerk reaction to things that go against your conditioning.

        Ok, so we have established that you seem to have no capability of critical thinking when west is being considered and thus no credibility. In contrast, I’m fully capable of criticizing the west and praising the east whenever that is warranted.

        You must very proud of that quip, aren’t you? Do you think it has some effect on the argument?

        • @vekku
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            02 years ago

            I love how you’re unable to even entertain the idea of holding an unpopular opinion, and immediately assume there’s some coordinated effort to downvote you. Just another example that you might need to get out of your bubble more.

            • @vekku
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                12 years ago

                Not sure why that’s surprising. Lemmy is pretty small, and the churn is much lower than on a huge site like Reddit. This post is still on the third page after three days, so it shouldn’t be surprising people are engaging with it. The war is also a hot political topic.