When H5N1 avian influenza started spreading among dairy cattle across the U.S. this year, regulators warned against consuming unpasteurized milk. What happened? Raw milk sales went up.

Distributors of this unsafe-for-human-consumption product deny H5N1—which has the potential to sicken millions of people—is a danger. Dairy farmers decline to allow disease detectives onto their properties.

  • @hydroptic
    99 days ago

    I’ve seen the same here in Finland too. What is it with nurses going off the reich wing anti-vax / anti-mask deep end?

    • Optional
      48 days ago

      They want to help people, but all the science stuff is boring. I guess.

      • @hydroptic
        78 days ago

        Probably a nontrivial amount of wanting to feel smarter than “those know-it-all doctors with their fancy degrees” with a side of Dunning-Kruger