I got banned from reddit (honestly feel a lot better without it)

But I miss being able to answer stupid questions and relationship questions.

Lemmy is great, but why aren’t there that many people on here? I don’t get it.

An I using my filters wrong or something?

    • @mmhmm@lemmy.ml
      62 years ago

      This should be posted on the main page; it would help resolve people’s culture shock after leaving walled media gardens

    • xenith
      12 years ago

      More like if you dont like the 4 prolific posters’ personal take on communism. Lemmygrad gets so much hate because a few peoplewithj nothing better to do post 80% of the political content. Every collective (reddit) have their hive minds but Lemmygrad is like a small town church that prescribes exactly what you’re supposed to see and think. It’s pretty gross.