Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. 🍕

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • This has nothing to do with pre-ordering. I don’t pre-order and I usually can’t afford to get things right when they come out, unless they release on sale. They keep doing this because: 1. Dumb fucks buying it when they already have the og edition because of FOMO on the few things that were added. 2. People that hadn’t bought the game yet so they buy the newer “definitive” edition.

    Most other games that end up with a GOTY edition usually include all the content that was originally dlc, and can be “upgraded” to, usually for less than all of it did originally. And you don’t have to redo achievements.

    The thing with DQ is that there is no dlc. They just add some collectible or a couple of quests to flesh out where a character disappeared to or something. It’s not enough content to even qualify as possible dlc. And there’s no “upgrade” pricing.

    So the only way to “stop this” is to do what I’ve already been doing— not buying it twice. But that doesn’t actually stop them.

  • I’m an idiot— even though I know my Roman Numerals, I wrote IX when I meant XI (Echos of an Elusive Age). I don’t know what the “definitive” edition looks like, as I already own the OG and refuse to pay for another copy and have to get all the achievements all over again. The OG looks great to me, and I can’t even use max graphic settings. I can only imagine how good it looks on max. If I’m understanding you correctly, the “definitive” edition looks worse? They can seriously go fuck a cactus. It’s already not worth paying full price twice just to get some tidbits that aren’t even tied to achievements. Japan puts out some amazing games. Classics. Industry changing innovations. But their decisions to do shit like that, as well as how they abandon their games after only a few bug fixes (that still don’t fix many of the major bugs) has all but turned me off of games from the country that’s known for video games.

  • Brother, I have been trying to find support for at least 20 years. There is none. I have had therapists straight up say to my face that they can’t refute my arguments for not wanting to be alive. Mental health treatment is fucking joke anymore. They can’t even diagnose shit. You know what their idea of a diagnosis is? Asking the same five fucking questions three different ways. How the fuck does that help diagnose that I have PTSD (or CPTSD, I’m not a fucking psychiatrist)? Oh, yeah, it doesn’t. Which is why I had to figure it out myself AND THEY STILL WON’T LISTEN. And treatment is the same fucking handful of drugs to pick from, regardless if you’re bipolar or just depressed. I’m on my hundredth round of trying to find help and I’ve been on a wait list for two months now. I’m done trying. I’m tired.

    Yeah, I care. And I fucking hate it, because it does nothing but hurt and noone else gives a damn to do anything, to stand up for what is good and right. I truly can’t grasp how people can just not give a fuck. Like, I’ve encountered a number of people in my life going through shit and I had to remove them from my life because I can’t deal with their shit when I’ve got my own, but my heart just fucking breaks for them. I’m done trying. I’m tired.

    Yeah, I used to do the same; get all motivated and try to accomplish something, only for it to go nowhere. It’s hard to do much of anything with literally no money or income. (Still waiting on disability, but I know that’ll never happen because “yOu’Re A mAn YoU sHoUlD jUsT wOrK”.) I did have my video games, but I’ve lost all interest in that now, too. Everything I already have to play keeps breaking and nothing good is coming out any time soon. Congratulations, capitalism, you have successfully enshittified everything. I’m done trying. I’m tired.

    I do appreciate the kind words, though I think it would be better to save the energy for someone that still has hope. I’m just a worthless anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, anti-communist, white, cis bi-sexual-hetero-romantic man with no money that can’t work. The only talent I have is hyper-awareness of what’s going on. And what’s going on, is our lives are under constant threat, be it political or through our destruction of the environment. Usually both. In any case, I’m done trying. I’m fucking tired.