And to lower the other’s flag
And to lower the other’s flag
Yes. The raids were mostly to not to forfeit their territorial claims, booze left as a sorry for the trouble gift.
Sweden have and
Buying local, especially at brick and mortar stores, have the added benefit of keeping local commercial communities alive. Such as city centres. My local hardware store have saved me multiple times. A stroll away and I get what I need.
As others have said, and that I will echo, is to find an activity to socialize around. Since you like music find local groups in that area. Perhaps a choir needs some instrumental backing or another voice. Or try something new, like pottery. I highly recommend arts and crafts. You can also hit the gym, especially if you find one focusing on classes. Through those I’ve been building a whole new social network.
And Canada does have a land border with an EU country - Denmark. Canada and Denmark had a long standing border dispute over Hans island featuring multiple armed raids. It was resolved in a mature and sensible fashion to just divide the island. Good for all involved.
Fredag ush nä! Tacka vet jag måndagar, speciellt måndag morgon. När man har en hel underbart stimulerande och underbar arbetsvecka framför sig.
/s om det inte är uppenbart
Länge Leve Fredag
Hipp hipp
I enjoy it. Good themeparkey action-adventure-rpg. Beautiful and awesome environments. Gameplay is good enough as I’m mostly there to see the spiritual fallout from PoE2.
Heck no! The community became unmoderated and we all started leftposting.
I can attest to this. May not be the sleekest but you can often sit on them with no worries. And drop them in gravel.
Something I never really got from the summaries on the research is how much training increase they looked at. And what type. I bet going fron 0 to 30 minutes a day would look different than the span 0-120.
Do you BTW have a link to the paper?
Last i saw on this is that there isn’t a 1:1 relation between increased calorie burn by increased exercise and total calorie burn. There are some but also the body diverts energy from one task to another. Still the best way to loose weight, maintaining a calorie deficit, is to eat less. Way easier said than done.
If I expect the mushrooms to release a lot of water then them first. If the mushrooms are much larger pieces than the onions then them first. Else both at the same time cause I’m lazy.
Dianthus barbatus Pic
Beans are small eggs. Beans are cheap. Therefore eggs are cheap. Eternal lord-god emperor trump fixed the egg cost. Praise be.
I prefer -esk as it is less refined. A bit crude. Vulgar.
I prefer keelhauling. An awesome word, feels good to pronounce. Like defenestration.
She is unrelenting and unwavering in her fight (slaughter) of demonkind. When others hears them out she begins laying out a plan to destroy them. And what is it she calls them? “Monsters who mimic human speech”
Opens criminal investigation. Does “investigation”, finds no fault. Blasts out the Tates have done no wrong, Romania bad. Suggests Papa Putin take over and reform Romania.