I appreciate the kind thoughts, sadly they weren’t enough to give me the luck I need and after 36 hours of almost straight up traveling there and back (including missing a train and being stranded for the night) I found out as I was making my way back that I didn’t get the house. I’m completely shattered and out a whole load of money and it was all for nothing.
I’m still waiting to hear back on a couple more places and will keep trying, but I’m running out of time fast and the despair and panic are really starting to set in. I’m really not sure how this is all going to turn out.
I’ll be honest, I feel like doing exactly what you’ve described, I’ve called about a few more places and got nothing, it’s looking really bleak and I don’t know how long I can keep pushing on auto pilot like I have been before it all finally catch up on me and crashes me to the ground.
I really don’t know what to do anymore.