Ahh sorry for the confusion, i thought it was like a drop in to the main core code, not at a specific character level. I will try again. Thank you for the link to the guide.
Ahh sorry for the confusion, i thought it was like a drop in to the main core code, not at a specific character level. I will try again. Thank you for the link to the guide.
Hey there, so i tried adding in the print out code, into the ai-character-chat session i had going as a test… no luck so far, it flagged up a parse error related to this line : let images = […content.matchAll(/<image>(.+?)</image>/gm)] I had a quick look on StackOverflow, and saw one potential solution mentioned to add in a line which tells it what paser to use: E.G “parser”: “@babel/eslint-parser” ~ that had no effect, and of course that will be entirely dependant on what is actually being used, or is available to use, which i do not currently know. Is your print code from an earlier time, where the parse error was not flagged up ? E.G Did they update the core code to depreciate older methods of coding?
As i say, please forgive any ignorance on my part, i was dropping the code into the base of area 1, a bit like adding a new function into a pre-exisiting file in php for example. (Please see attached image for reference of where i was adding code ~ should i have been using a different area?) Or am i misunderstanding the code you have written and should be making an offset generator (although i am unsure if i could import that into the ai-character-chat generator?)
Thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated, once i get my bearings i should be fine lol… hopefully :D
Very cool! Thank you, i will give this a go 👍
Ahh o.k thank you for pointing me in the direction of OpenCharacters… that give me a bit of hope is i can make something at least partly similar or at least useful. The Main Perchant version is excellent and i could compose stuff all day. The AI response creating a real drive and enjoyment when working with it. I guess at one level i am scared it would vanish one day and after trying for such a long to time to find such a cool thing, i want to help perserve it, if that makes any sense. Hopefully it’s future is looking great though, adapting and upgrading with new things over time. I would be happy to pay a subscritption fee to aid support, if it comes to that sort of support being required. 👍
That code works fine now… thank you for your help with that. That said, i cant get a print preview and my printer wont respond if i select all and try to print the selection, but that is not the code, so much as my browser/printer setup i think.