Come on, my fellow Finns, this one deserves more upvotes!
I’d argue that with all that exploitation of single cell life forms, no beer could ever be vegan.
I’m going to do a second attempt at a lemon infused beer next. Last one had a single lemon in 22 L of beer and the taste didn’t come through at all. How many limes per how much beverage did you go with?
It’s not going to be cheap, technical fabrics are pretty expensive at least when shopping at specialty online shops. One might get lucky with Chinese cheapo outlets. Materials for my hammocks cost around 120 € a pop.
It was indeed to have a few things my way. First thing is that any store-bought double layer hammock fails to actually utilise the layering: on mine, the outer layer (windproof silnylon) is 7 cm longer ridgeways than the weight-bearing inside layer (static & breathable monofil). This way there is an air gap between the layers, so the wind doesn’t chill my back. The monofil is also great in that it doesn’t gather condensation in the winter, since the material is practically mesh.
Second thing was that there were no hammocks in the shops that would use the awesome monofil fabric in the first place :D It’s well worth making a hammock just to get to use that stuff. I was worried it’d be brittle in the winter, but no, just perfect :)
One tip: use Gütermann Mara 70 for the thread and you have a hammock for life. Had my two hammocks for four years or so, nothing has broken.
I’ve made two hammocks so far, and both turned out very nicely. Not difficult at all. The other one is for the summer months, it has a zippered bugnet.
Cozy and dozy! The underquilt is pure magic.
Oh no, diagonal is the thing! The underquilt does accommodate that too. Lying on the centerline is just plain not doing it right :)
Sen verran pitäisi ainakin kansalaisvaikuttaa, että tän systeemin käytöstä pitäisi asiakasta informoida, jos näin ei nykyään tehdä.
Enjoying the sahti-stout here alongside the usual Christmas nutritional overload. Pretty soon I’ll run the rest into bottles and free the Kegmenter for next run. For that one I’m looking to adopt some yeast pups from @alzymologist 's selection :)
Kiitos kysymästä! Tänään tuli vielä näppäilyhommia tehtyä, mutta joulun tuoksuissa kotosalla niitä teki hyvillä mielin. Välipäivät onkin määrätty vapaaksi, ei harmita. Pääkinkku odottelee uunin vapautumista, täytyy kohta vielä pörssin EUR / kWh -noteeraus tsekata ennen paistopäätöstä.
Viikonloppuna ehdittiin sukuloida rouvan puoli. Jännitystä elämään tuli, kun paluumatkalla oltiin just Mäntsälän St1:llä burgeritankkauksella, kun alkoi vieressä rytistä. Terapeuttiemännälle propsit, otti oitis yhden autonsa räjäyttäneen teiniautokunnan kriisiterapian kohteeksi. Eikä muuten varmaan ollut kynttilänsavu mikä yllätti, vaan sankka sumu. Sitä piisasi vanhalla tielläkin yltä kyllin. Keliolosuhteet oli kummat, Mäntsälässä matkaa jatkettaessa oli mittarissa -4 astetta ja kotona tuntia myöhemmin jo -14. Ja aamulla jo plussaa.
Lapset ovat jo asteikon teinivaiheessa, mutta on kyllä riemu itselle, että edelleen intoilevat joulua ja vaativat perinteitä vaalittavan. Hieno juhla, pakostikin pakanaperuja :D
Life saved, but not markedly improved?
Juuri näin. Meilläpäin ei paljon kainaloita tuuletella.
… vai
Mitä ne etelän miehet siellä huitoo?
Cheers, that’s a nice primer. I do have an engineering degree that covered plenty of analytic chemistry :)
I’m only concerned with taking OG and FG with as tiny a sample as possible = creative pycnometry or getting a refractometer. Although just today I realised a pendulum might also offer a creative gravimetric insight…
Craft brewing, baybee XD
Wow, your sandbox sure does sound like an exciting place! I hope life plays out so that you have the temporal resources to devote to such endeavours.
Is it just the permeability of light (struggling with English here :) that needs to match – I mean if one was to make a series of standards with a base of some dark food colour, maybe something to slightly nudge up the density of the base, and of course known amounts of ethanol in a sane range, maybe that would make a refractometer useful here?
I’d imagine something like that has already been thought out for red wine. Must. Research.
Thank you for the inspiring thread :)
Thank you :3
Sounds like there are more compact floaters to be found… …I’ve picked up a vase that just fits my float and that would take 200 ml if not more.
Personally I haven’t been that bothered with measuring my efficiency, but my old dad keeps pestering me to get some measurements done so he can finally decide if my stuff is ‘better’ (= stronger) than store bought :D
I’ll have to take a look at the U-tube concept, I might beat you to market :D
I already have found a glass vase that’s ideal size for the floater that I have, but I’m concerned the tight tolerance of the float against the wall would also produce an error. And it still would take a good 0,2 liters to use. Sure enough, the finished product can just be enjoyed (actually only quite recently I realised that the FG sample can be quaffed :D ) but the OG sample will certainly not go back into the wort, and being T1D I shun sugary treats :P
Good to know refractometers are not useful in the Dark Arts :D Brew shops do sell them though.
Well, I don’t measure it :) I’m only able to make ~21 L so I’d rather not lose the amount that would float the meter. Seriously considering investing in a refractometer that only takes a drop or two.
There’s 4,6 kg of active malt and 1 dl of dark syrup in the yeast starter and I ferment to the bitter end, so I’ll wager it’s in the 7 % ballpark. Sahti ought to have a lot of sweetness because the fermentation is incomplete, so the caramel malt is there to compensate.
This is likely the case for a lot of items that the common guy wouldn’t give a second thought about.
Me? Bought the one before, wife gave me the present one. The third one down the line might have been a gift from my boss. Clearly some truth there.
Ikävästi on vaan klapinkin hinta noussut, tän talven koivuklapit maksoivat jo 90 € heittomotilta. ‘Kuitupuun hinta noussut’, sanoo mettähefet. En mä sellaista ole ostamassa vaan polttopuuta :P Onneksi talvi ollut leuto ja sähköä on saanut tarpeeksi usein alle 0,5 snt / kWh.