• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • « Have compassion for people with shy or reactive dogs. »

    Yup, this hits the nail on the head for me. I’ve had my dog for five years now and I’m still not at peace with the fact that he’s reactive. Every day is a struggle, especially as someone who already had depression.

    It’s already plenty hard enough without judgy remarks from people who have no idea what they’re taking about.

  • And yet it was by far the episode I enjoyed the most since Church on Ruby Road. The script has some glaring issues for sure, some of which might be fixed in the next season (I don’t believe in that too much though), but at least it mostly felt like I was watching Doctor Who for once.

    I think the running around, good music and pacing, some interesting character moments and great visual effects did it for me. Sutekh’s design and vibe are fantastic and I thought the scene where Ruby meets her mom itself worked really well.

    If the rest of the season was more like this episode, I would have enjoyed it a whole lot more.