headphone jack, NFC, and microSD
The holy trinity.
I need to move on from my LG (RIP) G6 soon due to battery life and apps becoming unsupported so I’ve been shopping around.
Right now I have a headphone jack, NFC, MicroSD, FM Radio and 4k video recording. I’ll probably have to give up the radio at least if not more to get a well rounded phone.
The G6 came out 7 years ago but it feels like most new phones are a downgrade in comparsion.
I’ve noticed routers in recent years have default passwords like “wristrhino040” printed on the sticker on the bottom. I suspect we’ll see more of that.
Cheap living in blue states exists, ask me how I know.
No, as a person in a magenta county this map tracks.
The state has a problem with alcohol, much of the culture revovles around it.
Bars have so much power here they successfully lobby to keep weed illegal. They’re like a cartel.
The difference is real, Wisconsin has the Tavern League. Powerful group and a big reason why theres no legal weed in Wisconsin.
Meanwhile it’s surrounded by states with legal weed.
Terry summed it up well.
I still have fun with it, plenty of full servers to be found.
I just take 5,000 iu of vitamin D and skip the Sun business most days.
And you might still miss some things the first time but it makes rewatches even better. I rarely feel the desire to rewatch shows, even good ones, Deadwood is the exception.
Hell even the set is amazing because the background extras took their roles so seriously, listening to the commentary tracks the lead actors noted that the background extras/actors developed their own routines and really made the camp come to life.
It had more of a living history museum or renaissance fair vibe than that of a stale set. Everyone invovled with the project had passion for their role no matter how small.
Right, I think he had a lot more in the tank that we never got to see.
For years I was upset that Deadwood never had a fourth season. When I learned more about Milch and listened to his recent memoir that came out in 2022 I was just glad those first 3 seasons made it to air.
Many people don’t survive all the drugs, family problems and a gambling addiction that he had going for him.
It would be cool to see the alternative universe where the other frat member becomes president or the one where Deadwood doesn’t get cancelled but this one could be a lot worse really.
BSG is a very different show but there might be some crossover between the fanbases. Deadwood is legacy HBO, the quality and depth of cast is on another level compared to what the scifi channel had at the time.
It’s also endlessly quotable, that’s one thing I miss about reddit is the small /r/Deadwood sub. You’ll see some general “cocksucka” quotes in the wild but that sub has multiple rewatches under their belt and uses the full range. I have to revist some posts there everytime I rewatch it.
Anyway, here’s one of my favorites from Wild Bill in S01E04: https://webm.red/view/cn5t.webm
Very, we almost didn’t get any as it was 32 degrees. Just a few miles south they got rain instead. It’s been the warmest winter since record keeping began in 1895: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2024/03/12/winter-2023-24-was-wisconsins-warmest-winter-ever-thanks-to-el-nino/72931642007/
And last winter we had record snowfall not seen since the mid 1990s. One extreme to the other.
Both shows are at the top but Deadwood’s dialogue has a deliberate rhythm to it that is unmatched. If you get on it’s wave length you’re in for a treat. I watch it at least once a year and never grow tired of it.
David Milch the creator details his thought process on the rhythm of the dialogue and the push back he got with use of obscenity here: https://youtu.be/F2qk7W8_KLE?si=LxeRNs2N_-kzKiGb&t=1196 (20:01) Once he’s done answering that question (around 29:00) i’d stop watching if you haven’t seen Deadwood as there are spoilers later in the talk.
I was happy to see the snow but I don’t think the birds shared that sentiment.
“Where’s the damn bird seed?”
“I know it’s down there somewhere!”
Full album here: https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6qlvj78
Thank your ancestors for that. Couldn’t think up any new names on their way over so they resused a bunch.
Because idiots are in charge of more things than you’d think.
All top 12 hour. Subscriptions? Never heard of her.
This is just perceived technological advances in the same span of time, not what games different generations prefer.
While Moore’s Law isn’t dead the slow down is apparent. From game graphics to phones and other areas of life, the perception is stagnation.
For example I’d notice little difference in a flagship android phone from 10 years ago or AAA video game compared to something that came out this year. Hell I might gain some features like a headphone jack or IR blaster.
You couldn’t say the same if you went back 10 years from 2012 to 2002 tech. You’d go from a smartphone to a cellphone that probably didn’t even have a color screen nevermind a camera, web browser, touchscreen etc.