Good god, we’re no closer to AI anything than we were 50 years ago, the only thing that changed is the amount of CPU and storage we could allocate to the maths involved.
AI will never happen with the current models.
Good god, we’re no closer to AI anything than we were 50 years ago, the only thing that changed is the amount of CPU and storage we could allocate to the maths involved.
AI will never happen with the current models.
If I ever get into smart home crap, I’ll definitely be aiming for a local network solution >_>
One of the first two albums I first was able to buy myself to start my collection after getting a WalkMan, man, those were the days.
And Justice For All gets more play from me, but I love this album.
Of all the garbage I was happy to not see on Lemmy…
Cool, Typescript is basically useless.
You say that like you can listen to the lyrics instead…
Not FOSS, but I use Obsidian, and is FOSS, SyncThing for syncing.
There are FOSS Markdown editors of course, I just prefer Obsidian.
I’ve never done Levenshtein on numbers, it seems like a silly thing to do.
Somehow I had skipped over that part of the text, danke.
Levenshtein distance would work here without feeding an AI… this seems silly.
This is the best description of Manwich I have ever consumed with my eyeballs.
I use btrfs and have never run into FS issues with Steam. Hopefully the format isn’t actually a problem for anybody else either.
Looks like there may be a few more, haven’t used any of them though.
Also time to delete my unused Twitter account…
Perhaps, stop voting for people that deny climate change could be a good start.
I’m totally with Brandon on this one, except cancelling Fall, that’s right out!
Three hail Mary’s or whatever, and pick up some trash around your neighborhood. Then your sins will be forgiven.
Maybe not ever, I’m hopeful for lab grown meat to be a success AND be good for the environment.
Outside of what is likely a privacy nightmare at this point within Nova, they haven’t added a feature in like 8 years, just seems silly for me to keep using it, wish I liked another launcher more >_>
Which way is the right way… ? Asking for a friend…