if being funny was a crime i would be alone in the streets // she/her
the issue with this argument is that i don’t care about who made the app when it doesn’t work. that’s why i still have a chromium based secondary browser, it doesn’t matter that it’s the work of a billion dollar company trying to get a monopoly when the website i’m on is broken. yes, the blame is on who made the website, not firefox. i still need to be able to use it somehow
does this mean she sits on goku’s face
if youre just looking for a downloader website with zero setup of your own there’s cobalt
jerma is one of the few people who can get a pic taken like this and still look normal
i think it’s supposed to be a fluffy dragon type thing. don’t know the artist, sorry, i just saved it from a discord server with friends and i cant even find the original image now
that better not be a real article
because he is literally only friends with…
what happened to her
just deleting florida would be better
for a remote desktop app that also works on ios there’s Rustdesk. everything else already had great suggestions in this thread