They should put their own stickers on top to cover the unevenness!
Sound technician from Spain. Late millenial. I like videogames. I use arch btw.
Trans rights are human rights
They should put their own stickers on top to cover the unevenness!
Not even a megaslut or a kiloslut. I wonder if a gigaslut is physically possible?
Imagine one partner every ten seconds, during a 40h workweek, 52 weeks a year…
That’s just 748,800 partners a year. Let’s call it an even 750,000. That’s a year and 4 months of professional fucking just to become a megaslut.
Even for someone dedicating themselves to the job 60h a week during their whole life (60 years), would still be just 67 times a megaslut, only 6.7% of the way to become a gigaslut.
[…] and containing 68 galaxy clusters.
Dang, we were so close.
31 electrons if I can count, so Gallium?
Although I’m pretty sure that electron configuration is made up
Edit: nvm, see comment below, 47 electrons is right, been a long time since I last did chemistry :P
I’m playing on shadps4 0.6.0, with the vertex explosion fix mod, and a couple of the emulator mods (60fps, disabled a couple things but I don’t remember off the top of my head).
I have a pretty old PC, 2060RTX and 6700k CPU, and other than some crashes here and there and some terrible lag/frame pacing sometimes, it works pretty well! Good enough for me at least, been waiting many years to play.
It runs pretty well on emulator, if you don’t mind donning the tricorne.
bash: Sudo: command not found
In Spain we call them el ordenador, so male too.
Why does Khomeini look like Sean Connery? 🤔
I consider myself panromantic homosexual, so take this with a grain of salt, but:
a) You enjoyed masturbating each other and having physical intimacy. You also received a blowjob.
b) You’re considering fucking him but are not sure because of the nature of your relationship, not because it’s an activity you’re not interested in.
So I’d definitely say you’re bisexual, but as the sidebar says, bisexuality means different things for different people. But wanting/enjoying physical sexual contact with him makes you bisexual imo.
That one’s a cover actually! It’s even older :P
Topologically, you’re entering and exiting the 3 holes.
Bad, I’ve missed my Anki for 4 days now and I’m not very motivated. I keep doing Duolingo but that feels more like a game than actual learning.
Time for a shameless plug!
Actually, the thing that applies to the pole is the speed of sound (of the pole material), which is the speed the atoms in the pole move at. Not even close to the speed of light.
Took me a couple seconds to realize you’re not living in the desert and running an icy cold CPU, and meant degrees fahrenheit.
max(legal_age, [your_age/2]+7)
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