I hate to say it, but the only thing that can explain this kind of sudden jump is error in data.
I hate to say it, but the only thing that can explain this kind of sudden jump is error in data.
There are situations where lesser evil is the best available choice, but this isn’t one of them.
It’s definitely different environment so there are lots of small things that you have to get used to.
In all my years of using Linux I have used about every major distro there is. I still stick to the old and tried advice, if people want hassle free distro, they should use Ubuntu.
I’m not happy with snaps but that’s a minor flaw. It still provides the best out of the box experience for people who just want stuff to work.
Dual-boot can be set up at the installation process automatically. Just make sure you have enough space on your NTFS for the installer to make it smaller and stay alert that you pick the correct partitioning scheme on installation “install Ubuntu alongside Windows”. Steam, Nvidia drivers all just work on Ubuntu. No need to tinker.
It’s funny that reddit basically just blocked us from contributing. You can still use RIF to lurk.
Sometimes I forget and try to comment or upvote. After quick disappointment I actually feel relieved that I can’t interact with reddit. It’s weird.
Actually pretty good value. Might actually pick it up even though I’m not sure if I ever have enough time to play any of these. As a kid I had no money to buy games and as adult I have no time to play games.
Rip RIF, you served us well all these years.
I’m sort of motivated by laziness. When RIF stopped working I thought oh well, guess I just use Lemmy on my phone.
When old.reddit stops working some day I do the same for the desktop. Reddit is literally driving me away. How badly can they fuck up? The modern reddit they are trying to push on us is not the reddit I signed up for 11 years ago.
At fundamental level it’s capitalism, but with some social policies that make it more friendly to humans.
The crucial thing that defines capitalism is profit. Basically as long as there are leeches that take advantage of the economic upperhand they have to leech of workers income, it’s capitalism. This can be frankly pretty complicated and theoretical when you really go into the definitions of work, value, profit, etc. and what it means in practice.
Marxists sometimes make these ideas simpler than they are, and that’s how we end up with solutions that don’t work in practice. They tend to only focus on the material conditions, power and exploitation, but we need theories based on increased psychological understanding to find novel solutions imo.
RIF is now working for me for some reason. Did they already cave in? Anyone else?
First thing I experienced was disappointment surprisingly.
Same. History has shown me that it’s better to skip if you don’t want to play it immediately. It will come to sale again with steeper discount.
Persujen kannattajat eivät välitä natsisympatiasta. Heille se on todennäköisesti vain plussaa. Kokoomus ja Kristilliset sen sijaan päättivät kahmia lokaa niskaansa oikein urakalla. Erityisen kiusallinen tämä on Kokoomuksen liberaalisiivelle, pääministeri mukaanlukien. Ne kolme Kokoomuksen edustajaa jotka jättivät äänestämättä voivat nyt huokaista helpotuksesta kun väistivät tämän luodin.
I missed the year long deal by few hours. They advertised that “deal ends on 30th of November” or something like that and I assumed you can still get it 30th of November but nope, the last day to get it was one day before.
That being said, looking at all the games that have come out, I really didn’t miss anything. I might have picked one or two bundles, but I definitely wouldn’t have enough time to play more than few games. The more successful games I want to play never enter the bundles these days.
Alright that’s decent enough price. While you can get 3rd party Dock pretty cheap, counting in shipping and the power adapter, it rounds up to 70€ for me. For 10€ more I can get first party support, that’s actually competitive value.
Would work better if it’s both way. Bot bridging all the content from reddit to lemmy and vice versa. It might work for some smaller subreddits at least.
I’ll buy the Dock if it’s on sale. I might actually buy it anyways but might as well wait one day to see if I can save a few bucks.
I’ve put off buying it since honestly it feels a bit overpriced since you can get a hub that does pretty much the same job for 20€.
Concept is great, but there’s a big usability issue (BE: 0.17.4) that quickly needs fixing. When you browse the main index, new posts just pop up and it messes up whatever you were reading and also closes images.
I love this. Perfect analogy because it’s literally the same.
Got to say I’m really excited that nobody can own the master instance of say Technology. If some channel goes rogue, there can be easily a competing instance that challenges the top spot. And the same applies to servers themselves. Everyone has to cooperate or you will be excluded.
Yes, people need to realize we can break free from ownership of few. There’s absolutely no reason why we donate all our content to some random millionaires.
Maybe I already had the right models in my brain, but for me I just created an account and started using it like reddit. Only thing different are the different servers.
It’s been on my backlog for AGES, since it came out. Maybe it’s about time I finally dive in.