• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • Mechanics is a branch of physics, where u learn abt mechanism of different types of movements, like rotational mechanics, where u study abt a rotating body and its motion (stuff like angular velocity angular momentum etc) or like fluid mechanics, uniform circular motion etc, pretty basic haha ik, but i do enjoy learning and applying concepts, unfortunately there aren’t many practicals i can do but i do hope i get more opportunities after i graduate high school

    Repairing guitar stuff seems fun! I hv always wanted to learn bass but like i said there are not many opportunities in high school where i live, i wish to graduate and move

  • Thanks a lot for ur help! On my previous 5x3 i failed on the 2nd rep on the 5th set, when i tried 6x2 i failed on the very first rep lol, so I didn’t try 10x1

    Ig my form might just be super inconsistent maybe? Anyway i will try lowering the weight and the widening the stance and practicing with it

    I typically rest arnd 3 min for t1 lifts but sometimes upto five between the last couple of sets

    And also ur approach on AMRAP makes sense, maybe i missed something when reading the material but yeah getting anything less than 4 on 3+ AMRAP set should be considered failure

  • Lacking progress as in very inconsistent progression, 10 days ago like i said i hit 5x3 with 60kgs, (getting 3 on the AMRAP set) that’s already a very quick plateau considering i started my program with 45kgs (which was 85% of my 5RM) similarly on my higher rep squats, i m failing after adding similar weight, and very quickly too, i lose 2 reps as soon as i add 5kgs (when the are supposed to stay same)

    And most importantly, i failed my very first rep on 60kg today haha

    As for the program its doing me good on the other three lifts, so i dont really feel like changing it hehe, i made a pretty long rant post 2 months ago about how i m not progressing on any lift, I finally am and dont want to disturb anything

    Squats have always been quite problematic for me tho tbh, idk why

    I was thinking maybe my stance is too narrow replaying the clip