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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • roflmao XD

    You projecting you being upset onto me being upset XD. Yeah, i called you out, and now you’re trying every troll trick you know to weasel out of it and get the last word :).

    And if you like being wrong and want to keep proving to me how wrong and childish you are, sounds like a great time :). Keep replying and keep trying all those troll tricks to not feel like you lost a discussion on the internet, i’m sure it’s worth it XD.

    I must admit this has become somewhat amusing for me too, seeing which argument you’ll try this time to somewhat save face :).

  • Yeah, i’ve for sure become hostile after you attacking me because i dared to talk about something you didn’t find interesting on a public forum…

    Dude, take the loss and stop talking. There is no both sides to this, you were an asshole to me for no reason and now want to keep talking to evade the shame of having been wrong. I’m sorry, you were wrong. Learn from it and let it go.

  • He just means it’s been all over the tech internet lately, and he has a point.

    of course not everyone knows everything, but this and the humane AI pin have been featured everywhere as they’re the first companies bringing llm focused AI products to market, and are generating a lot of hype, get a lot of critical articles, and a lot of youtube videos & investigations regarding them.

    Not hearing about the Rabbit R1 when you followed tech news the past month was harder than playing whamagheddon during christmas time. So i get his surprise, and i don’t think his reply was mean spirited, it was hard to avoid hearing about it.

  • Dude, just stop. You’re looking for things that aren’t there. Period.

    I find it an interesting question whether it’s intelligent or not, and find it sad people throw out that question together with the rest of the hype. It’s not “my favourite word”, and i’m not projecting my hostility. You just can’t seem to handle someone bringing any bit of nuance to a discussion…

    And me projecting hostility XD. yeahhhh… introspection isn’t one of your gifts it seems XD. I’m the one being hostile XD. roflmao XD. I mean just here “your favorite word”… wtf dude, exaggerate much to make yet another pointless jab at me?? I’m not allowed to find this an interesting question without you painting me as someone who fixates on that one thing in the world and makes it sound as if my world revolves around “AI IS INTELLIGENT!!!”… I’m not even convinced it is, but i find it a mighty interesting question that requires more thought than it’s getting.

    Sorry for trying to argue something i find interesting on lemmy. I’ll just shut up next time and not try to bring up points you might not find interesting since you seem to take that as a personal offence, while you could have just shut up and let the adults have a nice conversation on the one interesting part of this hype.

  • Do you always change the topic to try and “win” online discussions? And act so unnecessarily hostile for no reason at all to people who want to have interesting online discussions?

    I find the topic of whether it’s intelligence the most interesting part of this. It raises a lot of questions. That the current hype is ridiculous that a lot of the energy expended on it is a complete waste, and that most of the ways AI is used is beyond stupid isn’t even worth talking about, that’s just plain obvious.

  • That for sure is a problem with all modern bullshit technologies they want to hype in order to get people to use/buy it.

    Look at smart tv’s… everyone assumes they’re awesome since they’re smart tv’s, that’s of course better than a regular tv. They’ll of course never mention that this just means that it’s a tv with a 100$ android box embedded that they’ll abuse to try to serve you extra ads, that they’ll not bother to update so your tv becomes obsolete in a couple of years, and that you can achieve the same thing by just buying the android box sepearately and connect that to a regular tv, which won’t make your entire tv become obsolete when the cheap android box doesn’t get updated anymore…

    So yeah, i can imagine you have an issue with it being marked as (competent) AI.

  • Lol, wtf XD

    “That doesnt change anything about the current situation even if thats true though.”

    Yeah, i assumed me writing “I agree with most of your points” conveyed that. Do you always imagine random things to attack instead of just reading what people actually write?

    wtf O_o

    I just don’t like people being like “but it’s not real intelligence” while we don’t even know what intelligence is, and we’re thus avoiding the one part of this stupid hype that could be interesting:: philosophical questions about our own intelligence/humanity/…

  • racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAutomation
    7 days ago

    I agree with most of your points, but i don’t entirely like the “this is not intelligence” line of thought. We don’t even know yet how to define intelligence, and pattern recognition sounds a LOT like what our brains do. The hype is of course ridiculous, and the ways it’s being used is just stupid, but i do think pattern recognition could be a solid basis for whatever we end up considering intelligence.

  • racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldFuck oil.
    12 days ago

    I find it fascinating that we’re all here on lemmy to be part of a more distributed social media since monopolies obviously come with serious consequences.

    And then there are still tons of people who’d prefer nuclear, which usually means some big company having a lot of power on a basic need for society, as if there it suddenly does make sense to want huge companies have all the power.

    Regardless of whether nuclear is safe or not, or if the waste is a problem or not, the entire reason you’re on lemmy and not on reddit should be the same reason why you’d prefer solar & wind over nuclear.

  • I’m not saying chess engines became better than humans so LLM’s will become concious, just using that example to say humans always have this bias to frame anything that is not human is inherently less, while it might not be. Chess engines don’t think like a human do, yet play better. So for an AI to become concious, it doesn’t need to think like a human either, just have some mechanism that ends up with a similar enough result.

  • racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoFuck AI@lemmy.worldTimmy the Pencil
    1 month ago

    The problem i have with responses like yours is you start from the principle “consiousness can only be consiousness if it works exactly like human consiousness”. Chess engines intiially had the same stigma “they’ll never be better than humans since they can just calculate, no creativity, real analysis, insight, …”.

    As the person you replied to, we don’t even know what consiousness is. If however you define it as “whatever humans have”, then yeah, a consious AI is a loooong way off. However, even extremely simple systems when executed on a large scale can result into incredible emergent behaviors. Take the “Conway’s game of life”. A very simple system of how black/white dots in a grid ‘reproduce and die’. It’s got 4 rules governing how the dots behave. By now we’ve got reproducing systems in there, implemented turing machines (means anything a computer can calculate can be calculated by a machine in the game of life), etc…

    Am i saying that GPT is consious? nope, i wouldn’t know how to even assess that. But being like “it’s just a text predictor, it can’t be consious” feels like you’re missing soooo much of how things work. Yeah, extremely simple systems at large enough scale can result in insane emergent behaviors. So it just being a predictor doesn’t exclude consiousness.

    Even us as human beings, looking at our cells, our brains, … what else are we than also tiny basic machines that somehow at a large enough scale form something incomprehenisbly complex and consious? Your argument almost sounds to me like “a human can’t be aware, their brain just exists out of simple braincells that work like this, so it’s just storing data it experiences & then repeats it in some ways”.