I have been approaching this from a middle of the ground standpoint. Basically I know that a large enough percentage of Americans would reject this as “evil socialism” so putting caps on the government industry at first would be a Trojan horse to get a footing and get society comfortable with the idea.
Ultimately I would like to see companies have to compete with government offered products and services, but I just don’t see it being feasible in our current political climate. Sadly I think it will either take generational change to get it done, or a more kinetic change that would harm the country and take far longer to recover from.
I could put on an Aerosmith record before I knew how to leave and my Disney VHS tapes in the VCR, of course then my older cousin brought over her Master of Puppets album and I fell in love with thrash. As she still likes to remind me, “I turned you into a metal head before you were out of diapers”. I still love the classics too BTW.