Yes, it’s Tuesday. Martedì in Italian, mardi in French. Originates from the Latin name diēs Mārtis, the day of Mars
Sounds like a good idea in theory that would not work in practice, or even worse, would be weaponzied politically. But maybe I’m just cynical due to the current state of world politics.
Doing a PhD. One more year and then I’m free again…
Your fingers stop hurting within two weeks. Absolutely no reason to do it
Read How to win friends and influence people. Not reading books has nothing to do with staying true to yourself, especially if it’s just general guidelines and not step-by-step instructions you try to replicate.
Just realized the romance languages have both a weekday and a month for Mars
I think most people use them interchangably, I call myself bi due to it being a more well-known term and the flag being prettier
In the same way you got deep dish pizza from italy
not to be that guy, but that’s selection bias
Why would you want to date a group of people that you´ve never found attractive? This is really confusing to me
Why don’t people do exactly what I tell them to?
Tietokoneella tulee prokrastinoitua aivan tarpeeksi ylen, hesarin ja välillä the guardianin ja muutaman muun eurooppalaisen lehden nettisivuja selaten. Joskus oli RSS-selaimeen viriteltynä eri lähteitä mutta sen selaaminen on jäänyt. Ja toki mastodonissa ja lemmyssä tulee uutisia vastaan.
70% of eu residents live in ”urban clusters”. So I am ”only responding” for 70% of people, a number that will probably rise over time too.
Not only downtown/commercial/recreational areas need to be walkable. Walkability is good in all areas if possible. It makes everything simpler for everybody.
I am not arguing against the elcrification of cars, I am arguing for decreasing the number of cars over time simultaneously with elecrification.
Electric cars are cool and all but you can’t have walkable cities and simultaneously store one vehicle per person on their streets
Moikka! Itse matkustin Helsingistä junalla Etelä-Italiaan ja takaisin aika tarkkaan 8 vuotta sitten. Tätä lukiessa tekee mieli lähteä uudestaan. Nyt ei taida keretä, mutta kesällä pääsee taas reilaamaan. Hyvää reissun jatkoa sinne! has one for music. But I actually prefer talking to people and getting actual recommendations