You exchange money for services. Don’t act like you’re selflessly saving Valve and its poor employees from bankruptcy lol.
You exchange money for services. Don’t act like you’re selflessly saving Valve and its poor employees from bankruptcy lol.
You’re entitled.
Is there anything this woman can’t do?
Why not demand more?
Because who are you to demand anything from Valve?
It’s much faster to take a photo and immediately send it by email, or transfer it via bluetooth/airdrop to your computer.
It’s called java.
* Laughs in Firefox where this doesn’t work *
The burden of proof is on you.
You accused flatpak of being insecure. The burden to prove that is totally on you.
I can’t believe this is still impossible. Surely engineers at Microsoft are suffering from this too? But I guess they really want to push the search bar and ai features that don’t fit on a vertical taskbar.
although codeberg goes down more than anything else I use so this could be normal
They often go down because of ddos attacks, although not exclusively.
Then I quit!
Huh, I didn’t know that. Thanks.
I think most microsoft extensions aren’t available in forks like vscodium. Which is a bummer given that their extensions offer support for so many languages.
I kindly ask you to keep your thoughts to yourself.