I use pass but recommend Bitwarden when people ask for a recommendation.
When using pass, if you have a lot of devices and forget to sync at times you better know at least basic git lol.
I use pass but recommend Bitwarden when people ask for a recommendation.
When using pass, if you have a lot of devices and forget to sync at times you better know at least basic git lol.
I use Wayland and love it, but have two serious issues:
It does, but now I am more confused. It appears I never boosted the article until testing just now. It is just stuck in my profiles boosted section for some reason.
Yes, I use Password Store F-Droid Play Store on a few Android devices. I don’t personally feel the need for browser extensions on desktop and just use QtPass.
All in all I use it on 6 devices; 1 desktop, 2 laptops, 2 phones, and 1 tablet. Only ever have “issues” when I forget to sync one for a while and create a password on it.