• 17 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • Why am I creating these posts? Not because I want to sabotage the infrastructure or do not recognize new technologies and programming languages. Undoubtedly, new languages must appear and they must compete, because this is a natural process, of evolution. I just want to understand the mood of the C community itself. It’s lukewarm on this platform. Nobody is against new languages, and they can be used together with C or as an alternative. But here we are talking about a complete replacement. So, working with memory directly is the job of whom? The chosen ones? The units that will sit behind the compilers? What about the rest? Only fulfill commercial orders? Is this engineering? Is this programming?

    I look at how programming has changed over the course of 25 years, what they teach at universities, and where they start. And I came to the conclusion that on a large scale, it was all for the benefit of giant companies or the government.

    We must protect the “intimate” knowledge of the foundations and water the roots ourselves. Because they don’t realize, they don’t see that if the roots are not watered, the branches on which they sit will dry out. Therefore, who, if not us? Thanks, everyone!

    If you can’t give me poetry, can’t you give me poetical science? © Ada Lovelace

  • Thank you for benchmark. Python is a player, lol.

    Rust is very overhyped and I do not accept its syntax, boring. I like C and Hare. I am not a system dev, it’s just a hobby, so my opinion can’t be proved by solid experience. But I came to C after learning and trying using Rust in a hobby game dev. Hare I like to have in my backpack as an alternative, fresh and developing tool. It is not overhyped and his team are not trying to reach popularity. Just making not bad language. IMHO.

  • Some devs just learn new languages to expand their view or to avoid burnout. Yes, I agree that memory safety is not a problem and all these C-killers suck. Hare is not positioned as a C killer, it can be used together with C.

    And look at today’s situation in the industry. Try to say in the Rust community “Rewrite it in C” or suggest some newcomers to write in pure C some app. All these commercial developments smell bulked overhyped technologies that have only one goal - make money for companies and companies support these tech. All job offers do not expect you to be an expert in computer internals or C, or even JavaScript. You just need to know the frameworks.

    All of these bring pure software quality. C will never die, and those who write on it will do. But newcomers need something different and better it will be as efficient as C.

    It is just one point of view…

  • Almost all what is going on today in commercial development is based on knowing frameworks and existing libraries and is far from engineering. I am working in that 19 years and also feel that am not a true engineer, at least at my job. Yes, I developed my own UI client framework, but who know it, who need it except my company… I am not in the 5% of top world engineers. And you know what I think, I do not care. Do f#$*k off, commercial development. I have hobbies, I learn languages that I like and writing code just for fun, solving problems on codewars. I believe that true thech like C and freebsd, emacs and some other not popular in commercial development programming languages is my way. And yes, I am earning money at my job, but at the same time, as I said, I tell all these overhyped shit “do f#@&k off” and going my own way. That’s my life. Have a luck, bro. Find your own path.