• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoTrans Memes@lemmy.blahaj.zoneno ragrets
    3 days ago

    Just because an Author has some bad takes doesn’t have to sour the franchise for you. On principle, you can move on and still carry the enjoyment of your experience. Chalk the author up as “gone cuckoo” or something and don’t spoil your initial reactions and interpretations.

    Life is all about what you feel, experience and reminisce over. And no one can take that from you. While facts cannot change, your feelings do evolve over time and something you can and should look forward to.

  • Silly me for pointing out that sensationalism and performance-activism hasnt done anything worth a dime or nickel to reign in the perpetrators of the climate catastrophe.

    If Greta or similar persons could get a climate science degree and perhaps a political or law education and work to take down the system from within, perhaps we could stand a chance.

    Spray-painting Van Gogh or the Stone Henge isnt solving anything. Neither is sailing around on a yatch around the world helping.

  • Soviet blocks are definitely better than urban sprawl when the maintenance and facilities are top-notch.

    Taking the single issue of Transportation pollution, when India was in lockdown during covid, we had pollution-free skies, and lo-and-behold the regular rains and normal weather patterns not seen for more than 40 or 50 years returned ! Human transport pollution is the worst in India.

    One of the first things Indian/foreign companies did was force workers to mandatorily return to office locations which increases transportation pollution by the bazillions as vehicles are needed to shuttle people, materials and maintenance for everything. And all these corporations talk the big talk of how ESG they are.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Be Wholesome@lemmy.worldA reminder to love nature
    4 days ago

    I shudder to think that Greta is attributed to Conservation in the same breath as Steve Irwin!

    Greta should be at home and in school and preparing to live her life as an adult. If she as an adult became a climate activist and held the Top-7 or Top-10 or Top-20 corporations accountable, sure that would be commendable.

    Nothing gets done blaming others and while taking no action against the wrongdoers. yourself

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Be Wholesome@lemmy.worldA reminder to love nature
    4 days ago

    Actual Indian here, please DO NOT live the way Indians live in India. The worst unplanned urban sprawl and urban density and squatting and squalor and slums :-(

    If you are referring to the Ancient Civilization of local produce and local distribution and local Kingdom Tithes to the Empire while living in villages and the concentrating political, commercial and military power in the major cities. Education “institutes” in deep forest with no “fees” but labor for classes. Since that type of Civilization did once exist and thrived before being wiped out by repeated invasions and conquerors. Most definitely there were social and technology issues, but the slow pace of development did not destroy the landscape.

    Medicine, Technology, Transportation, Global Trade need tempering with ecological ethical and sustainable standards of implementation, research and development.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldfin
    4 days ago

    Unless you spent 1000s of dollars buying saucers and hammers and lollipops or something garbage that lets you finish without actually playing.

    I hate these “gatcha” gaming nonsense where you pay-to-win.

  • Not-an-American, but what I heard was that BOTH DNC and RNC do not choose the more “popular” candidate. The parties choose the candidate that their “donors” actually want. In RNC I think they straight-up just rig the process and push their choice.

    But in the case of the DNC I believe the DNC “promises” to choose the candidate that is the most popular. BUT DNC “donors” have what is known as “super-delegates” or some bullshit ( Extra Votes for Money ? ) Soooooo Hillary went around ALL the states “buying” up all the super-delegate votes… so in-effect Bernie lost even before the voting had even started! And on top of all that I think that so many candidates ran at the same time that it split most of Bernies votes down the middle which might have been the strategy engineered by DWS and the DNC.

    Those are not the only problems with the DNC… I believe that Hillary and DWS and DNC ran political ads PROMOTING Drumpf because he would be “easier” for Hillary to beat. So effectively the DNC and Hillary were campaigning for Drumpf! !!!

    I think 'Murica has a lot more serious problems and a lot more roadblocks but breaking the fundamentals of democracy by rigging votes and installing puppets seems almost comical and farcical if it wasnt so damaging and dangerous.

  • Lab-grown meat might not have nerve-endings or nerve-endings that connect to nowhere. You will need a brain or spine for the nerves to connect back to for the nervous signals to get recognized and processed before the screaming and “conscious” state of the brain can potentially exist.

    So in essense, the lab-grown meat will just be like tissue cultures kept artificially alive but not a living organism.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGay Water Rule
    8 days ago

    What an excellent idea to force people to drink more responsibly and get alcohol back on the prohibited substances list.

    Alcohol, Cannabis, Magic-mushrooms and other less debilitating “fun” substances should be regulated for personal use by adults. Scheduled substances should still be illegal but convictions should be mental health, addiction therapy and social servitude as punishments.

  • If you like to go bombing in Tesco Scotland I am sure the Scottish would be cheering for you as well :'D

    Also real life isnt as simple as “return the land to the previous owners who are all dead and wiped out and the remaining mixed descendants are mostly 1/16th or 1/64th or some piddling fractions of the original settlers”

    It is easy to ask for Forgiveness rather than ask for Permission.

    Imagine if European Settlers " IF you already are on this land , can we get permission to enslave, infect and eradicate you? Please with sugar and cherry on top ?" AND JESUS HIMSELF APPEARED … " Die all you Bigotted, Misbegotten Sons of Satan! " … Just imagine the Vatican and Church of England catching Fire Spontaneously and restoring Christianity to its roots!!!

    "Things that Never Happened for 5,000,000 Alex! "

    :-D Comedy gold if every wrongdoer got their just desserts instant Karma style ! :-D

  • Any sports that is competitive requires testing to ensure that no one cheats or has an unfair advantage. If you are against testing in sports, then sports is not what you are looking for.

    An Open participant category would solve almost every problem. Only the best of the best will win.

    Traditionally, “Women” ( biological XX-chromosome Homo-sapiens ) had their own category due to their inherent physical weakness compared to “Men” ( biological XY-chromosome Homo-sapiens ) in almost every physical category. This allowed “Women” to compete on their own “safe” “fair” “even” “fair” playing field separate from “Men”.

    If you want a sports category “Trans-Woman” or “Trans-Man” or “Trans-any / Non-Binary” PLEASE GO FOR IT ! I am not saying anyone should be excluded from sports. But there are reasons that categories exist in sporting events. Be constructive or don’t it is your choice.