These shows are great!
Also like California passing public health laws and companies deciding it is easier to comply to the entire U.S. instead of duplicating product lines.
Truth. Also stop deforestation
We never left. That didn’t start it.
I’d still drive it for a little bit. Just bc I regularly drive 20 y.o. vehicles.
I find it tasteless and ignorant of the dangers others have faced. It’s one thing in the security of your home or with friends, but this doesn’t appear to be private.
I’ve always wondered about the state of those vacant homes.
But yeah - a roof is a roof
Smart dude
I’m going to go to the doctor for the first time in 20 years in 2025. Am frightened.
Tossing a lit firecracker at an unsuspecting friend is a bit beyond mean.
And the biscuit tube is frightening. Sometimes, I chase my girlfriend around with a half-peeled one.
Then I have to start buying extra fiber supplements. Gotta watch them hidden costs.
Punting is winning!
And happy!
I need to get tested. These posts always feel spot on, but they can be so vague and wide, I feel like I’m just picking the parts I want to believe.
Putin made you do that.
I got you, bro!
It won’t be correct, but you’ll never know that.
I don’t like him telling me that, for certain.