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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月29日


  • So rich people get their capital gains tax cut and estate tax cut and seniors (also a wealthy demographic) get increased circuit breaker tax credits. Poor people get higher renters tax credits. People with kids get more credits. Commuters on public transit get to write off more of their bills. And the rest of us who don’t have kids, have no public transit to our jobs, and have a mortgage get nothing.

    Remember when the renter’s tax deduction was justified by there being a large deduction in federal taxes by homeowners? After Trump, I don’t get that write off anymore and neither do most middle class people. But the renters still get theirs. We just keep getting screwed.

  • Brother is 90% awesome, 10% infuriating. My Brother laser would blow my 15 Amp circuit. I had to move it to the basement for a 20 Amp outlet. It’s been going for 12 years since on its third toner cartridge (and I probably will never get through my current 2 pack), though the Wi-Fi printing capability won’t work with any router I’ve bought after 2015. Duplex printing, Linux, smartphone, any computer I hook up to it, no worries.