• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • That’s the caveat right here. Most people who eat this aren’t generally eating well to begin with. A lot of Americans are gonna eat a double cheeseburger and fries with a soda which can clock up to 1600 calories, then go to Baskin Robbins for dessert and have this. That’s why it’s entirely possible for Americans to have 5k calories in a day because that’s only 1 meal and a dessert.

  • I get that in pop culture, Latin sounds mysterious and ancient, but demons were ancient by the time folks were speaking Latin. It sounds like I’m nitpicking, but my point is that it’s kinda funny when you think about it.

    The whole concept that demons speak Latin implies that Hell universally chose to learn a new human language between around 600 BC and 700 AD only spoken in Europe, North Africa, and West Asia, (completely ignoring every other civilization on Earth), and that also implies that, despite somehow successfully becoming almost universally fluent and literate in Latin, Hell couldn’t be bothered to pick up another textbook for the following 1300 and some-odd years till today.