Grow a brain and research the company like you’re supposed to do for a job application anyway?
Grow a brain and research the company like you’re supposed to do for a job application anyway?
8 Canadians involved in that mission. Not really enough to sneeze at if you ask me. From a financial perspective it’s a non-issue, and from an efficacy perspective, what are eight people going to impact anywhere? Leaving them would have been no problem and recalling them is similarly not problematic.
You probably will be able to. It will likely run about as well as Elden Ring does, though. Either way, wait until you get confirmation from other Linux users that it actually does work on Linux. Or buy and refund if it doesn’t end up working.
I just want to know your reasoning on this. If you’re interested in Nightreign, I can only assume that you’ve already played and enjoyed Elden Ring. Elden Ring itself uses EAC which is kernel level on Windows but is playable on Linux. There’s no reason to suspect that Fromsoft would change the implementation of EAC since it has been proven to work for them and altering it would cost money. So I’m not sure I understand why you would avoid Nightreign given that you already have EAC on your system. Not asking this to be snarky or hostile, I just genuinely can’t understand the motive here.
And mind that I’m already avoiding Nightreign when it comes out since it sounds (to me) like a departure from Elden Ring’s gameplay, so you can be sure that I’m not some Fromsoft stan mindlessly defending everything they make.
Internet service can go out without the power going out, you know. Not everyone has the good fortune to live in a place with quality infrastructure or multiple choices of ISP.
Just one less ‘s’ and you could make a wonderfully juvenile joke about NovaCustom paying for Head.
In addition to the other commenter: Loblaws is primarily a grocer, unlike Walmart which is primarily general goods. The “shitty business practices” that Loblaws employs directly impacts Canadians’ cost of living. Were it like Walmart I’d be less inclined to boycott them.
Huh? Go to any Walmart and you’ll see loads of physical copies. Switch 2 is even confirmed to use them.
IIRC it technically does but needs a certain flag set on build. So either users need to build it themselves or distro maintainers need to do it on their end https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/issues/2848
I’m not aware that Steam has ever allowed copying screenshots to clipboard. Is this new? Either way, might be related to Wayland if you’re running it. Flameshot acts the same way.
Her face reminds me of the hot fish from Shark Tale
EDIT: See, look
Well, that’s still $50 that’s not passed to the consumer. Not much, but it’s a week’s groceries.
Aren’t removable controllers on a handheld gaming device patented by Nintendo?
I wonder how much they’re saving not having to ship Win with it.
Then most companies have red flags. Not saying that shouldn’t be changed, but it is the norm at present for the majority of industries. And if it were to change, that certainly doesn’t negate an applicant’s responsibility to research the company (and honestly the industry as a whole, but that’s neither here nor there).