• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I wish Apple was transparent enough to have a real comparison of their privacy.

    Personal guess, Apple is generating just as much personal data, just using it less offensively than Google. That’s not good but it’s betterish, I guess.

    Main things I’m stuck using Google for at the moment are Gmail and Maps. Gmail, because my address I’ve had over there since Gmail was invite only. Maps, because they are one of the only decent sources for restraunt reviews these days (why did Zomato have to kill UrbanSpoon :( )

  • I haven’t tried freezing them before. No idea how it would do. Sauces with dairy can be a bit of a crap shoot on whether or not they freeze. I think it would work as ping as you reheated in the oven, and no the microwave.

    When I say “pulping” I basically mean crushing the fruity bits into a pulp. Mangoes have a large skinny pit in the middle? I usually cut off each side from the pit, then crush the fruit against the skin. This squeezes the juice out and crushes the fruit into a pulpy mash. I then do the same to the fruit surrounding the pit.

    Your basically crushing the fruit by hand.

    Alternatively, I’ve made this recipie with mango nectar or juice for the sauce. It’s easier, but not quite as good.

  • What hops you should grow is more determined by your growing conditions than what you want to drink.

    I live in NM, so I have two varieties of NeoMexicanus, plus a new drought tolerant variety called Vista.

    I generally shoot for varieties that are hard to get new, so that’s a good fit for me.

    However, if your in Sweden I don’t even know if you can grow hops outdoors. Your climate is about as opposite mine as we could get and still both be growing hops!