• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I love the color here. I’ve never been past Vancouver but I’d love to go out to Jasper. It looks so pretty. I would say as far as photography goes, one tip I’ve heard is to try to have a focal point. Your focal point here seems to be the mountain, but it’s getting distracted by some of the noise in front. I would try to make the focal point more distinct and obvious, and make sure you don’t have other elements competing for attention (like bushes/trees). Try to get rid of any clutter when framing the shot. Or if you do have framing, make it look intentional. Line things up between trees if needed. It seems like you did a bit of framing here, but I would try to get it to be brighter and look more intentional and fuller. The best focal points will have lines in the photo pointing towards them, like a road points to a spot on the horizon.

    Similarly, you could have a branch in front of the mountain, but if you’re doing something like that I would suggest to keep the branch in focus and the mountain blurred out (so the branch would be the subject). Etc. I hope that makes sense!

  • I like the concept of this as well, and also agree that the sayings on there need to go. They’re so cheesy, it makes me nauseous. Lol. How about some good old feeling words? Or maybe you can write down your usual moods and needs. For me, I know I have moods while working from home where I can be so stressed out and frazzled, I just want silence and seem snappy - but inside, I feel like the world is falling apart. For needs, I’d probably put something like: invitation to go for a walk or share a snack or a hug. :)

  • You may see yourself as behind in socialization, career, education, but that’s only if that’s how you measure yourself. It isn’t going to be easy to have the same life financially, I understand, but that doesn’t mean you’re devoid of experience. If you knew that the worth of yourself and everyone else was measured in experience and the strength it takes to get through that, then you’d be rich. Don’t discount yourself for your differences. I can relate to feeling left out as well, but I promise that there are gifts that come with that. Like a zebra hating its stripes because it doesn’t look like the other horses. But it’s so beautiful in its own way! To say you wish you didn’t go through the life you have so far is to make judgments about who you are now and assumptions about the incredible you that you’ll one day be. We don’t know the future, so it doesn’t help to make assumptions about it. After all, we couldn’t paint a wonderful piece of art without a blank canvas, and that’s what the road ahead of you is. The normal people with normal lives and normal hobbies may seem happy at times, but they might not have the richness of experience, depth of emotion, compassion, and other gifts that might be hiding in you that helped bring you to where you are today. They don’t get the blank canvas to work with that you do. And that’s okay. 👍

    You should feel proud of yourself for the steps you’ve taken so far. Seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist is huge!! A lot of people might be afraid to do even that! Go you! I hope you can give yourself a bit more understanding as you’ve been through a lot, and try to have more patience. It helps to find a friend who doesn’t judge you, or is even curious about your differences. Or keep posting online and interacting here. Maybe you’ll run into more people with similar experiences. I think some people from mormon or other religious households or cults have had similar experiences and post online about how hard it’s been to adapt to the rest of the world. Finding people who accept you the way you are will go a long way to helping you feel more accepting of yourself (something you can also work on even on your own too). I’m rooting for you. ❤️

  • I love the idea of going out and having tasty drinks with friends without the pressure of needing to be intoxicated. Think of it this way - if alcohol was the only reason people were going to bars, why even have cocktails to cover up the taste of it? To me it seems to fall very much in line with the other trends of society lately, like with bubbly fruity waters or healthier versions of soda. I’ve seen more and more people abstaining from alcohol for reasons beyond addiction. Wanting to be healthier and live life without a hangover, taking care of their bodies, challenging social norms of what’s considered fun, replacing alcohol intoxication with other kinds, trying to connect in more authentic ways.

    Personally I find myself drawn to these new ways of living too, and even though I still drink on occasion, I feel a lot better when I don’t and I’m glad there are alternatives that are all-in (rather than just ordering a soda at the bar).

  • Prusa is top of the line for open source and very much falls into “works out of the box”. The other bed-slinger style printers like Ender are cheap but tend to have issues and are a money-sink for upgrades to get them working (lots of mods there). If you’re into hacking and modding stuff though, look into Voron printers. I’m not sure if any of the Voron versions fall into your budget, but you can buy a kit or do open-source. They’re self-built, extremely fast, customizable, and really meant for the people in the printing community who like to program and mod things.