surprisingly, festnt is short for fest not, not fes tnt
so please dont call me fes please please please
i’m on mobile rn, i’ll try on my pc later
i hate it when i forget about my girlfriend’s existance for a month
ight thx
edit: actually that link’s kind of broken
he needs MOOORE!!!
is that not just a very tiny saw whet owl
mexico? more like 53rd state of america
fake: anon has a girlfriend
gay: uhhhh oh no is this real
i have the same question
i love that this is the only comment
did you remove your own upvote after posting…?
but its funnier this way
nahhh the best dinosaur is obviously the great kiskadee
nahhh yahoo mail is objectively the best one
and even better, some of those were small and could fly, they survived the extinctions and today we call them birds
fuck have stress sex