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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Finished writing letters to all the submissions for my writing competition. They all did such a magnificent job, and some of the stories were genuinely really good with interesting themes and ideas and twists that I decided to make them all winners. So they all get signed copies of my book.

    I went to one school on Wednesday and announced the winners at assembly. Public speaking is not fun, but I think I did ok. But what really got me was as I was sitting and waiting, one of the kids randomly asks for a high five. Which I obliged. And the girl next to him goes ‘Don’t you know who that is? That’s [my name]. The author.’, which is a all sorts of absurd and crazy and awesome and yeah.

  • Had a lovely trip to Melbourne. Weather was great. I got to see my brother and neices. We went to dinner at La Bon Ton (which was delicious, but my God can someone get place some proper lighting) then we watched the first quarter of North v Melbourne before going to see Seinfeld perform.

    It was my first ever time seeing a comedian live and it was hilarious. I’m gonna have to check out some more.

    Even went on a few ‘dates’ from those oh-so-fun dating apps. I get like zero matches back home, but flying into melbourne my phone was pinging and I was basically feeling like that Nic Cage Con-Air meme with his long, luscious hair. They both knew I lived in Tassie so it was really meeting as friends, but it was nice to talk to people again. My conversational skills have definitely improved at least.

    Came back home yesterday, definitely caught something. Probably from my neices. Feeling run down and throat has a weird taste. Stuck a swab up my nose but no COVID.

    Back to the grind today :(

  • Had such a weird interaction today. I’ve been trying to buy Road Dogs by Elmore Leonard. Book Grocer had it and have had it for ages, I finally took the plunge because I can pick it up from the warehouse when I’m in Melbourne. I put it in my cart, but before I decided to buy it, I did a quick check on google to see if I could get it cheaper anywhere and saw there was a signed copy on ebay. He’s one of my favourite writers and it’s pretty cheap but coming from the USA and the shipping was more than the book (go figure). I asked the guy if he’d consider shipping with someone else who might be cheaper (instead of ebay global or whatever it’s called) and he replied overnight not having a clue how to do that so I figure it’s not meant to be.

    Go to bookgrocer and Road Dogs is gone. Not available. They must have sold it which is so highly coincidental that it gets sold on the day I finally decide to buy it. But you snooze you lose, right?

    So I check on facebook marketplace and some guy in Balaclava has it and is selling it. So I message him today asking if it’s available.

    He says yes.

    I ask how much.

    He says $7.

    I figure bargain. I asked when is he free, I’ll be in Melbourne over the weekend.

    He tells me when he’s free.

    Great. I’ll grab the book.

    Then he asks where I am coming from.

    I tell him Bundoora.

    He says it’s a bit far.

    I said that’s fine, I’ll have a car.

    He says ‘but if you factor in time and petrol, it will cost more than shipping which is $10.90.’

    I got a bit annoyed because who cares so I said, don’t worry, I’ll get it elsewhere.

    Dude talked himself out of a sale (though I figure he makes a couple of bucks on the shipping so his $7 turns into $10 maybe).

  • Been in a found footage/handheld cam horror mood lately and watched what I think might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen called Dashcam.

    It actually does a good (if not repetitive) job of jump scares but my god, the main character is such a piece of crap. The main character uses the same name as the actor and it’s set during covid and she’s anti-vax, anti-mask, etc. (apparently not too far off this persons personality), she steals her friends car, steals food, has zero redeemable qualities and to make it worse as she is being chased by this parasite/monster thing she starts uttering these random phrases like ‘cm on my tts, fk me in a’ etc. It is so so cringey.

    Worst of all


    She’s the only survivor.

    Two others I watched are Unfriended, and Deadstream which were both good and I recommend them.