• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • What does it mean when the highest court in your ostensible democracy is this obviously compromised?

    I mean morally it’s obvious. Their judgements are invalid. Useless. Feel free to ignore anything they say if you can get away with it. But unless we’re down for anarchy, what means do we have to deal with this? Legally the president can pack the court. So long as he can get the senate to go along. But he doesn’t seem to want to, and there are no viable alternatives to the president we have. Not yet, anyway.

    So here we are. A ‘democracy’ with a supreme court that’s openly compromised, if not outright corrupt. Nobody’s running on a ‘maybe the supreme court shouldn’t be filled with 18th century ideologues and grifters’ platform. Nobody’s talking about upside down flags and RVs on the major networks.

    So what do?

  • daikiki@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldEZ admission
    2 months ago

    There’s like three hundred million Americans, and I feel like nowhere near enough of them are passionate about how higher education and unpaid athletes performing for the commercial benefit of rich people should have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

  • Thanks for posting this. It’s a perfect illustration of the intellectual dishonesty Breitbart and other propaganda outlets use to radicalize morons.

    Even though it explains that Isaac retracted his statement when he found out that that the thing they told him to be angry about was a lie (Biden didn’t declare today to be trans day of visibility, it’s just March 31st and March 31st is trans day of visibility, and sometimes Easter falls on the 31st), they still imply that Biden invented it and could (and should) have canceled it because it offends two billion Christians - implying that it’s normal and okay for Christians to be intolerant and hateful,

    The article then ends with a complete pivot to complaining about a policy the White House has followed since the 70s discouraging overt religious symbology during the WH Easter event, strongly implying that this was also just now made up by the Biden admin, and also anti-Christian; A policy that was not even mentioned by Isaac in his original or followup tweets.

    So thank you again, OP, for posting this. It’s a cautionary tale and a fine insight into the minds of the kind of people whose job it is to make sure Americans stay angry about non-issues so they won’t pay attention to the permanent grift that they’ve been the victim of for going on half a century now.