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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Ouais, ben… ces compagnies peuvent aller se faire voir. Déjà, c’est pas à eux de contrôler le contenu qu’on voit. C’est une pente glissante qui pourrait, ou même qui a déjà, manipulé l’opinion des gens pour affecter la démocratie.

    Mais là, si en plus ils privent nos médias journalistiques de revenu et de pouvoir effectuer leur travail pour nous tenir informer, c’est un méchant problème. On a besoin de ces médias pour rester bien informés pour faire des choix éclairés.

  • A very interesting article. There are some valid arguments to let Meta join the fediverse, even if I disagree with them doing so.

    Getting people to leave Facebook for another platform when all their family and friends are on there is an extremely difficult task. God knows I’ve tried. With Twitter it was easier since Elon Musk has been continuously fucking up the service and being an openly ignorant and intolerant asshat and playing god with everyone’s accounts. People quickly sought alternatives and soon found Mastodon.

    Recently the same thing happened with Reddit, but it was much softer. Redditors aren’t so keen on letting go of their decade-old high-karma accounts and all the saved discussions and comments and the overall increasing popularity of the service in the media. You kind of feel like you’re part of something big, whereas with Lemmy or Kbin it still feels like a very young underground community without any attention.

    And I hate to say it, but Diaspora, which is the alternative to Facebook, really hasn’t taken off at all, sadly. It needs to be brought back to the forefront along with Mastodon, Lemmy and KBin.