Ja, lönerna var verkligen ett enormt problem. Ingen vill betala. Men är det rätt att, mot denna bakgrund, hellre tvinga folk än att betala mer?
Ja, lönerna var verkligen ett enormt problem. Ingen vill betala. Men är det rätt att, mot denna bakgrund, hellre tvinga folk än att betala mer?
Can’t complain if you’re gonna play the same game for the other side…
Nice. It irks me when the mongols are celebrated for their brilliance. Sure, they were incredibly coordinated and tactically proficient. But what allowed that, was that they had like 3 horses per man. In other words: They were filthy fucking rich in medieval terms. And there were lots of them.
Most crimes are dollar-denominated and other currencies also vastly outweigh crypto in criminal use.
Bitcoin is highly traceable, with all transactions recorded and publically avaliable for review at the press of a button. Can’t say that about regular money
Kanske han var målvakt?
“I’d just like to interject for a moment…”
A club popular with 18-year olds in my city had the most effective piss-room I’ve ever seen. Troughs on three full walls and they were always busy. You’d wait for 1 second and then get a spot where you could squeeze in, shoulder to shoulder with other guys. You’d feel the steam rising up and washing past your face. 10 seconds later, you stepped out and another guy would instantly take your place.
It was incredible. I’ve never seen such efficiency anywhere else.
That doesn’t make much sense though. Most men have children at some point, not just ~40% of them. Atleast in Europe.
Though ofc aborting female babies or importing masses of young men isn’t exactly a smart demographics policy.
At this point it’s just sad to see the impotent denial of facts of some people. He won the election and the popular vote. End of story.
That is one awesome sofa. Shame it’s the price of my net worth
I just wonder how tf they made this
Selective cat breeding should be made illegal before we end up in the same situation. It’ll happen soon if it’s not stopped
Behöver man ha pump eller ventilation igång 24/7 för att det inte ska bli en inomhuspool? Tänker på klimatet.
Det står dessutom inte hur djupt ner bergrummen är. Hur många bunker buster?
Jag är bygghandelsarbetare/brädgårdsarbetare. Kör truck, lyfter brädor och murbruk och annat skit, och ser till att det hamnar på byggen och renoveringar. Det är rätt skönt att jobba utomhus, för det mesta. Fysiskt aktivt på gott och ont
The dutch! Why am I not surprised it’s those two faced, bicycle-peddaling, oil mongerers. To war!
They have been the worlds largest company. So it’s more or less everyone
Oh, so it is. I didn’t know that. And holy shit do you like removing stuff. Madness
I agree that he’s probably happy with this incident (given that he only recieved a minor wound, that will probably be very visible whenever he’s infront of a camera. But his reaction of calling “fight” is prefectly in line with him being a very defiant person, who’s also very politically savvy. It was a perfect response, if you want people to think all political opponents are the enemy.
And Trump also don’t lack for “courage”, if you can call an egomaniacs conviction that everything will always go his way that. I don’t see anything strange with it, given his character.
The Great Attractor kinda sounds bad