Teams is its own plane of hell. Sorry to hear.
Teams is its own plane of hell. Sorry to hear.
WHO indeed?
“The presidency requires virtue — it requires a basic level of decency and loyalty to the country,” Mr. Rozenshtein said. “If you don’t have that kind of person, there is not much one can do unfortunately at that point, especially if Congress is supine.”
Underated quote. The people we elect matter. The “system” doesn’t work if the people running it don’t support it.
Let’s be honest - in this community NAS means “my do-everything server that may have a RAID and probably also shares storage”.
Shot at the victims 17 times. He didn’t hit them 17 times.
All my systems are backed up with “rsnapshot” to a file server. File server is backed up to backblaze with duplicacy.
I have a cron job set to run on Monday and Friday nights, is this too frequent?
Only you can answer that - what is your risk tolerance for data loss?
You’re not going to run deepseek r1 without GPUs (plural).
I’m also considering UnRaid instead of Proxmox for a NAS OS.
NAS just has no meaning anymore?
Yeah - I don’t discuss things with conspiracy theorists. You can make up bullshit MUCH faster than I can even start to dig up actual evidence and support for my arguments. And after I’ve spent hours generating a fact-supported response you’ll just say “OH THE POLICE LIE SO I’M GOING TO IGNORE YOU” or something. I’ve been there, got the t-shirt, and will not return.
This is some flat-earther level shit right here.
Not racist enough.
Homicide is usually a state crime.
Chewed? Masticated? Nibbled? Tasted?
If they’re not having problems then why investigate?
This is excellent advice. Bash is fantastic but it has a lot of “foot guns” that can cause problems. Especially where spaces are concerned…
Op: good job with the script
Not really. Doesn’t sound like they are having any problems.
Are you having performance problems? If not, what do you care?
Oof, awk…
I consider myself to be very cli proficient, but I’ve never understood awk.