I went to Publix day before the hurricane and the shelves were empty. There was a stand alone display of Dasani and nobody was grabbing it. I ended up grabbing a case of Zephyhills at a gas station.
Yeah man where is Excalibur or the Katana? Rocket launcher?
Lol there I changed it
You forgot rocket launcher and sniper rifle. The glorious stick has defended of millions of invaders from the backyards and woods of millions over the last 100 years.
We are the modern day tribal people. We use all parts of an animal. They used intestines for water bladders, we use em to make glizzy’s with chilli and cheese.
WTF is this about? I showed up stoned from skipping class in 10th grade and took the ASVAB back in the day. I placed in the top 1% of the nation not remembering a single question. I was told I qualified for any position in the military. I got DQ’d so it was for nothing. Why is this an issue now?
Might want to edit that to bowls lol