Hm… Maybe I’ll give it a try sometime then.
That’s kind of how I felt about The Marvels and the other Ant-Man movies. They weren’t mind-blowing, but they were mostly a fun time. Not too long, well paced, pretty light hearts with some creative action scenes that didn’t hit Shang Chi or Winter Soldier heights, but we’re entertaining enough.
I do have a feeling cell phones have made more kids worse since we were in school. I can actively feel my attention spam getting worse from the clip nature of news, short form content on the internet, and endless scroll content of sites like Reddit or even here on Lemmy. And I used to be a good student who read constantly, now it’s just basically my phone lol.
Seems like a good compromise. The idea of the rule is probably just so they won’t have them out anyway.
I liked the Marvels =(
Meanwhile, I’ve heard such bad things about Quantumania that I haven’t watched it yet lol.
So I’m guessing you would’ve been against the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising? Zionists do tend to have a lot in common with Nazis so I shouldn’t be too surprised…
Once again demonstrating your inability to tell the difference between the two
Is there a data hoarding community on Lemmy or is this basically it?
Or apartheid South Africa, Nazi Germany, West and East Germany, Yugoslavia, South Vietnam, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the USSR, etc. Countries change all the time. Normal people don’t care they just keep on living their lives. They’re just lines on a map. It’s weird people don’t understand this.
Learning about that now listening to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Didn’t expect the episodes to be so long with how highly recommended it was lol.
Someone needs to start
Honestly she’s the only other one I can think of.
Ooh right as World’s is starting.
Seems like a lot of variety of opinions. I wonder if my partner and I will come out of the story with two very different opinions. I’m going to try to hold back mine if I end up not liking the newer story as much as the older one, in case they do end up liking it a lot lol.
That second paragraph makes me feel a lot better. If my partner gets a better experience because they haven’t played the original, then hey, all the better lol. It’s the story I was most worried about, that by changing things they were making it worse for new players just to surprise old ones. But if they’re still keeping a good story, or hell making it better by updating for modern sensibilities, then that’s great.
Also crossing my fingers they don’t white wash Sephiroth’s character too much 🤞 If they do, guess I won’t play that side gacha game lol.
Haha I think you nailed exactly where I’m coming from, what made me confused, suspicious, and what emotional beats I was hoping they wouldn’t ruin, like at the end of the OG’s disc 1 or a certain twist in disc 2 (which I know we haven’t gotten to yet, but it’s probably why I won’t show them Crisis Core Réunion until after the third in the trilogy, because I heard it blows that twist). It sounds like the creators of the game might be causing this distress to me on purpose, but it doesn’t change as much as I think, which would be great, that would be perfect lol. Especially if it really only affects me because I’ve played the original, without it sacrificing a good story for my partner who hasn’t played the original. I don’t want it just to be a commentary on remakes or something, because while that would be cool for me, that wouldn’t mean anything to them. But if they still get a great experience, too, hell, even a better experience than me, that would be even better. Because I still have the original, I’ve already fallen in love with the world and the characters. I want a new generation of fans to feel that, too, without needing a PSN Premium subscription lol.
I absolutely loved the way Remake delved more into the various characters and how it treated all of them with respect and love, they felt like real people but still felt unique. Barrett was silly but still cool and passionate. Cloud was edgy and a badass but he had his occasional soft side. Tifa and Aerith’s budding friendship is so nice and they both have great relationships with each other and Cloud. And I loved the additional detail on the Avalanche trio. Remake was actually absolutely perfect for me, it’s exactly the right addition of detail and I love it, and it’s gotten my partner interested in the world of FF7 for the first time, which is also great. It was only the end that made me cock an eyebrow, like you said lol. If Rebirth is more of that, which it sounds like it is, I’m so excited! It makes me want to get the game right now.
Thabks for the amazing, detailed answer. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Related to the end: while it made me kind of worried about what it hinted for changes in the next game (especially one scene at the very end I thought was a big deal about revealing a certain character which would cause huge ripples) my partner had no qualms. They got the general idea that something happened before, but it’s changing, which I guess to them would probably just be like any other prophecy based plot, and just kind of left all other questions to be answered in the next game. I suppose that’s not too different from where I was when I left Midgar in the original, though.
Oh ya, for sure. I get that and not taking refugees isn’t great and sucks. Still, they may be doing it for selfish reasons, but opposing the genocidal state of Israel materially is still better than arming them, like the US is doing, or doing nothing but stern words, like most of the rest of the world is doing.
If two groups claim a territory at the same time, and both have lived there on and off for a few thousand years depending on the activity of dozens of wars. Who exactly has the right to it?
That’s why I support a one-state solution. They can coexist peacefully and have in the past before the more aggressive revisionist Zionist movement started popping up. Jewish people were better off in the Ottoman Empire than the rest of antisemitic Europe for large periods of time. Plus, they’re doing fine in the US. That’s proof enough that ethnostates aren’t needed. It’s just an excuse for Europe to not deal with their own antisemitism.
Doing nothing has gotten them killed, too. Look at the West Bank. Look at the March of Return. Doesn’t Palestine have a right to defend themselves?
Also, there are tons of Palestinians refugees. 1.9 million have already been forced to flee their homes in this conflict, and there are 2.4-5.6 million from previous ones. They mostly go to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt.
Darn that’s too bad. There are certain things I experienced the first time playing I’d love for them to experience, too.
Ouch. I’m only one comment in and hitting a tough one. I’m sorry that happened to you =(