But isn’t this true for most services, such as Matrix as well? Nothing assures that a Matrix instance is running the exact code on git.
It’s valid for any server. But for signal messaging is even worse than the competitors because it’s centralized.
If you selfhost and they want to take your server, they will?
Correct. With signal there’s no way to escape the US government, but with matrix (or other federated protocol) you can make it harder, so it won’t be worth it the resources spent. You can also host it where the US government don’t have any reach.
Even if you self-host in a Swiss server, with the best intentions and security practices… Other people are going to have to trust you. You trust yourself, but others might not.
But who is more trustworthy? The US government or the swiss government?
Also, the point is to avoid american services. Signal is an american service.
I would say that this is wrong. If you get hit in the mouth for something you say, than it’s not freedom of speech. It’s the law of the strongest.
Example: You wouldn’t hit a UFC fighter for something he said to you on a 1 to 1, however you would beat him if you are 10 against him. This is the law of the strongest.
I don’t believe in absolut free speech. I think that it needs to have limits in it (very well defined limits), and there should be consequences for certain things. And the consequences need to be enforced in a way to counter them, like for example if you say hate crap then you should be forced to contribute to anti-hate orgs.