I get that. It depends what you’re after. I just wanted something that’d run on old hardware without too much effort.
I get that. It depends what you’re after. I just wanted something that’d run on old hardware without too much effort.
antiX doesn’t use SystemD, so that works for me. A nice balance between lightweight and being lazy and not having to set it up from scratch, but it doesn’t feel quite as janky as Puppy Linux.
I’ve yet to try Devuan, but I quite like the fact antiX has a bunch of stuff setup, like the WM with Rox and a bunch of apps etc
Didn’t he claim a bunch of stuff for this year? I guess there’s still time
That’d make a lot more sense
antiX is a pretty user friendly and light distro. Plus it’s Debian based.
LibreFM is the only thing I can think of
Wasn’t there a subreddit about improving comics? Usually just removing the panel that rams the punch line down your throat.
So, no strong right wing views?
Is there anything particularly right wing about her views?
Sounds promising! Let’s see what happens.
Is there anything particularly right wing about Heidi Alexander?
This thread will still be here!
Were you a ZX gamer back in the day?
Sounds interesting. Is there a project page?
Ah cool, where did you order that from? I have an Omni somewhere. Just waiting on the hdmi adapter
Lutris is pretty good
Getting a bit busier these days