• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • And who believes their lies? Who votes those guys into power? This country is still a democracy, not a dictatorship.

    That’s the point that voting the “correct” guys who “don’t lie this time” will never work, hence it’s a dictatorship of capitalists. I agree that if anything, the people are too stupid to realize that in a bourgeois dictatorship such as Germany they do not have any mechanisms on the decisions made by the government. So even if they don’t believe the lies, who do they vote for then? The only parties who get attention by the one’s who have most media representation, means a lot of budget to promote themselves, that’s the Mr. moneybags.

    But if the demos is stupid, villains get the kratos.

    Yes but is this really the point you made in your first comment? More like “if the demos is stupid it can’t get it right”. I mean that’s coming from the economic system from a country such as Germany’s. If you meant this before, I agree. My point was that arguments such as this

    Literally every change, whatsoever, will find at least 50 people arguing against it,

    Annegret thinks computers are a fad

    “we’re not an immigration country”

    is exactly because the corruption in a capitalist country like Germany. They will evaluate problems based on who of the richies gets how much money out of which outcome, and not because they are having some ideological “views” typical to Germans on it that is stalling the process.

    Edit: I think we talk about two different types of stupidity: the first, where unpopular policies are passed in capitalist countries are explained by “the politician is too stupid or lacks knowledge therefore it was made” and the second is about the people, who stupidly believe in that, hoping the next government is not stupid. I meant the first one, it is a popular justification in Germany, that hides the fact that unpopular decisions are made because of the inherent corruption in a capitalist country.

  • not because of any grand economical failure, but because the Germans as a people are idiots

    What no material analysis does to a mf. I like how in every capitalist economy, the rise of a crisis is always explained by anything but the fact that Germany is a corrupt, bourgeois dictatorship. It’s always the mindset, the attitude, the rejection of some progress by some people or politicians appear to be dumb. Dude, it’s not that some politicians or people do not understand some basic things, or they didn’t expect that to happen. The government is driven by politicians that are puppets of top 1%. There are no really parties who represent the majority, the only difference between them is that they have stocks in different branches at different corporations. Stuff like coal is favored is not that “somehow” they value coal workers more, it’s that the coal lobby pushed its influence.

    And finally we see what such an economic systems does to even successful countries, there are no safety mechanisms that prevent dismantling the industry and lowering life qualities of the majority after all.

  • Lol I remember in 2020 Taiwan bought 4 MQ-9 Reaper drones for $600 million (money up front of course, they will be actually delivered in 2025 - will they even still be around at that time?). Then, when Russia shot down (or better “pissed down”) another MQ-9 drone over the Black sea, which Western news decried as pricey as 30 million…

    Some Taiwanese did some quic maffs then… to discover… Lmao US friends get US friends prices I guess

  • By russia. They attacked Georgia in 2008, they attacked ukraine in 2014.

    Did you read my initial comment? You don’t even reply to anything and just ignore the coup by the US in 2014 and the military training of Ukrainian Neo-nazis the following 8 years, while stating Russia is their #1 enemy. Yes that’s right, the West pumped nationalism and weapons into Ukraine way before 2022.

    This is why nobody likes them and everybody wants to see them suffer, this is why so many countries were happy to give Ukraine weapons if it meant Russian invaders would die.

    “So many” countries like the G7 told by the US to donate? They are barely 10% of the world population. The US gives weapons to Ukraine because they use them as a stick to punch and weaken Russia, while using Ukrainians as flesh to achieve this. They don’t care what Ukraine will be after the war, the support will only last until the US thinks it weakened Russia enough. If you don’t like Russia, then fight yourself instead of sending them into safe death.

    Russia is a bully nation, and we get to watch that most beautiful moment, when the bullied stands up and blasts their bully in the face with a himars.

    Bruh they use Himars to shell hospitals and city centers that are still Ukrainian and a good amount of them lives there. The Ukrainian nazis killed probably more civilians of their own than the invaders, and you call that a “beautiful moment”.

    Putin won’t last through the year, the thunder run destroyed his aura of invulnerability, I look forward to watching him do his Nick II impression.

    I agree, that would be good but not worth a try for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives in exchange, especially if you don’t even know for sure if that will be the outcome. Typical lib, cheering the death of people in general.

    Putin wasn’t ‘put in a position’, he’s the ruler of Russia, he has agency, and now we get to watch the Russian people pay the price for his stupidity.

    Where do you think Putins power comes from? The oligarchs in Russia fear his force powers like from Darth Vader or what? Also then what is your big plan? You remove him, you run elections like in the 90s again, you get Yelson 2, after ten years you get another Putin 2 that again will resist the West. Did you even read my initial comment? My whole point was that is not the decision of one man because life is not Lord of the Rings, and then you reply by the great man theory, which is based on idealism. Like I said, until the West does not change it foreign policy towards Russia, the Oligarchy of Russia will put up people like Putin up and pursue similar politics.

    I am convinced that you are just a racist that thinks Russia has Putin and is evil because of their DNA or something. That’s why you refuse to accept any material analysis of the geopolitics behind and blame it on one leadership.

  • The last time they flew in space was when they cooperated with Soviets. And they didn’t invade wtf? The red army was invited by the socialist Afghanistan government to fight the terrorist backed by the US. Which later actually invaded and then used the geological maps created and given to the Afghans by Soviets decades prior (where they hoped the people of Afghanistan will use them to built their economy) to extract resources lmao And finally fled from the airport in Kabul, which was built by the USSR…

    They had a nice society before Mujahideen and the Taliban, financed by the US, btw. (Actually the Taliban at least prohibited drug trafficking contrary to yanks and nato fascists)

  • I think bacause the media always portrays Russia in a certain way, you expect now that Prigozhin is instantly dead, no trial, shot on sight, missiles onto his residence… this is not the reality. In the West, there is no mutual understanding and negotiation, somebody always has to “own” somebody else, down-to-the-knees-lick-my-boots type. This fails to project to Russia and other countries outside the G7-bubble. Imagine that maybe, maybe the Russian government can reason and think, if it is feasable to start an internal war along a first or instead just send through Lukashenko a promise to him to call back his army? Also Putin never called him directly a traitor, even if he is one, because that isn’t the style of Russian officials to call people names (unlike Western & Ukrainian policians).

    I swear you guys can only compare the world to Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and map every villan so slavic politicians.