7 is the the type of pen that lasts me the longest. They seem indestructible. All other types disintegrate in my hands after a year or so.
7 is the the type of pen that lasts me the longest. They seem indestructible. All other types disintegrate in my hands after a year or so.
It’s moronic. Currently, decision makers don’t really understand what to do with AI and how it will realistically evolve in the coming 10-20 years. So it’s getting pushed even into environments with 0-error policies, leading to horrible results and any time savings are completely annihilated by the ensuing error corrections and general troubleshooting. But maybe the latter will just gradually be dropped and customers will be told to just “deal with it,” in the true spirit of enshittification.
Good social commentary, but that’s not how a human pelvis looks. Also, I’m skeptical about the number of ribs.
With all due respect, but he seems to have been talking out of his ass here. Either that, or he’s been reading legal language. Or maybe language was that different in his day.
I’d argue that nowadays, in German, very nested sentences are seen as “good style” in poetic writing only. Plus, the tenses he mentions are an issue specific to English language which has like 23 of them. In German, I’ve heard people with a Master’s degree get by with using one (1) for any situation in everyday life.
Pineapple and hedgehog are some examples which are compound words in English, but not in German.
Wikipedia never ceases to amaze me.
they’re casually manipulating public discourse
It’s particularly bad on Reddit whose entire business model seems to be selling out the “front page of the internet” to the highest bidder. That’s how you get an IPO after all. You can observe competing political and commercial factions duke it out on the daily. The day after, I can hear my colleagues, especially the older ones, revive and pass around whole chunks of Reddit threads.
And I’ll always remember that insane shilling with mushrooming bots, virally hyping at first the amazing “bargains” you can get on Amazon, then the “one-day delivery” which nobody needs, and then, when quality undeniably faltered, the “amazing return policies.” As if I want to spend my free time purchasing sub-par products and returning them after a few days.
The only glimmer of hope is we can still talk about this on other forums like this one. Even the ever-living-in-denial Hacker News finally caught on, as I saw over the past one or two weeks:
Reddit comments are mostly bots shilling ideology or products nowadays though.
The major subreddits are almost entirely bots as well. Try posting anything authentic and you’ll be banned, regardless of how old your account is or how human you appear to be. It’s entirely controlled, fake discussion tending to be authentic due to the legacy of the site. The concept of moderators being volunteers from the community died off a long time ago, and there are zero safeguards to ensure they aren’t captured entities from some organization or NGO; in fact, the architecture of the site itself doesn’t even view this threat as a threat. Remember, once considered a conspiracy theory, Ghlisane Maxwell was a powermod.
How considerate to have a guy in the corner translating to Italian.
So glad only a cricket was there to hear it.
I have a feeling he’ll be the one to invoke Article 5, accusing Denmark of some “aggression” or another in his completely fucked-up authoritarian style.
pdfunite FTW
Why should the powers that be fight plastic pollution when it keeps people’s brains clogged, unable to conceive what’s going on around them, much less change it.
First step, be a business. Second step, accept Trump’s dick in your ass. Congratulations, here’s your “get out of jail free” card.
My main takeaway is that some contrived notion of “national security” has now become an acceptable justification for business decisions in the US.
Very few people can operate a transporter, though.
Having not seen the subtitle, I thought at first that this was a drawer full of rods and belts and whatever else they used to beat the autism out of kids, back in the day.