Not necessarily, but it also helps my self esteem and confidance to post some nudes, and its exciting knowing people are seeing me naked without knowing who i am
Hi everyone! 22 f ca bisexual here big fan of the taboo and just general degeneracy. I love anime and video games and spend 99% if ny free time shut away from the world in my room. Super awkward irl and dont know how to deal with real people so online people are kinda my only saving grave.
Not necessarily, but it also helps my self esteem and confidance to post some nudes, and its exciting knowing people are seeing me naked without knowing who i am
I am both lol
Tbh i think i jist kinda appreciate the attention so i kinda feel like thats the trade off. I give people a nude in exchange for maybe having some decent degen convos lol
Awe thabks so much love >.< honestly have hor8ble swlf esteem and insecurity issues so these kinda comments mean the world to me
Lol damn now im gunna be wondering if the way i speak is marge coded 😆
People on here have been so nice haha loving the compliments thank you so much 🥰
No it looks like i really did miss the tag am so sorry but i fixed it hopefully 😖
Awe thank you! That means a lot actually you have no idea
No i dont haha not looking to make money just perv friends i guess XD sorry
You are fine 🙂 i really can be just an open book online so i really dont mind answering questions or anything it dosent bother me at all. I hope you have a good day ❤️